Maximise your Morning Routine to Make it a Ritual
Mornings. The dawn of a new day. Each one a new beginning, the worries and regrets of yesterday softened and faded by sleep. All is fresh and new, a clean slate. It is on the edge of darkness and light when images from our dreams are remembered, when we are most attuned to the quieter voices within. Spiritually, dawn is known as the most powerful period of the day, a time of huge energy and potential. Creatively, many find the mornings to be the most potent. “Think in the morning, act in the noon, read in the evening and sleep at night.” How could you maximise your morning routine to make it a ritual?

Mojo Secrets to a Dimple-Free Derriere
Cellulite, or what I like to call it, 'orange peel skin’, affects almost 90 per cent of women, but why is it that I always seem to go to beaches where the butts could be extras on the set of Baywatch? Back in the real world the lumpy, cottage cheese-like stuff pops up on our thighs, arms and butt or essentially anywhere it decides to plop, the bane of my existence! Some doctors say it is just normal deposits of fat. I disagree. The difference between fat and cellulite is obvious.