Module 2.0: Week 1 Wrap Up & Supplements
Look over the steps from the Week 1 Wrap Up and choose one step to take on today.
Print out your Supplement Guide, put it on your fridge.
Buy one of the recommended support supplements, to enhance your weight loss results.
Week 1 Wrap Up
You are underway in your 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan journey and I hope that you are starting to feel some of the health benefits - more energy, a clearer mind, a spring back in your step!
But, don't be concerned if you're not there yet. It's very normal to still be experiencing some uncomfortable symptoms.
When you eliminate inflammatory, processed foods, and stop feeding your body garbage and chemicals, your body goes through withdrawal which can make you feel awful and want to give up.
BUT please don't GIVE UP.
You might not want to hear this, but initially feeling bad is a GOOD THING.
It means your body is detoxifying and inflammation is cooling down.
It is good because it means you are on your way to getting LEAN and CLEAN!
This process is well worth it because it ultimately leads to you feeling better than ever.
You are on the right path to achieving optimal health and a slimmer body in the long-term.
So keep going.
The health and body you desire is just a few simple, lifestyle changes away.
“If you find your resolve wavering go back and review your goals and intentions, and actively picture what success looks and feels like.”

Week 1 Wrap-Up
[Module 1.0]
Pre-Planning & Guidelines
[Module 1.1]
Goals & Intention Setting
[Module 1.2]
Shopping, Recipes & Weaning
[Module 1.3]
Diet Fundamental Guidelines
[Module 1.4]
Meal Prepping
[Module 1.5]
Detoxification Basics
[Module 1.6]
Sticking with the Program
[Module 1.7]
Week 2 Recipes & Shopping

Detox Supplements & Herbs
Sadly, today, almost everyone is mineral deficient.
For the average person, we recommend these five supplements/herbs to enhance your detox results:
Magnesium - this incredible mineral helps to convert the macronutrients (fat, carbohydrates, proteins) into bioavailable energy, it helps lower cortisol, and promotes increased (toxin) elimination.
Multivitamin with complex B vitamins - a good supplement can help optimise your body’s functions. The B's have cleansing properties that help to quickly remove toxins and open up the liver detox pathways. The vitamins help neutralise free-radicals.
Milk thistle - one of my favourite herbal supplements to cleanse, nourish and protect your liver. It's gentle on the body too. One study indicated that silymarin (milk thistle) increased glutathione levels in the intestinal and liver cells by 50%.
Probiotic - taking one daily will support your gut with good bacteria while inhibiting the unhealthy microbes. It also helps promote a healthy gut lining, improve gut immunity, and synthesise nutrients for a healthy colon.
Binder - taking a chelator like chlorella or activated charcoal helps eliminate toxins out of your body and most importantly ensures they are not reabsorbed.
Watch my video tutorial to learn about which detox supplements to take.
In fact, studies show that 80% of the Western population is deficient in magnesium.
Modern farming techniques means that soils are depleted in minerals, and it is not always possible to get what you need from food.
Having a deficiency can result in the body accumulating toxic metals which defeats the purpose of doing a detox.
Without adequate minerals your body does not have the basic materials it needs to function. It is important to increase minerals like magnesium and zinc while on a detox.
Vitamin intake is also very important and taking a supplement can help your body get the right dose. Vitamins B1, B3, and B5 help your body convert sugar into energy, and vitamins B6 and B12 help your body produce blood cells. Some studies have shown that adding Vitamin C to your diet can help alleviate the symptoms of fatigue and a low mood.
It is estimated that every cell within the body must face 10,000 strikes by free radicals each day. Glutathione is the key player in disarming these free radicals and cleaning up any mess they make before lasting damage occurs. It has been labeled the "master antioxidant" and is critical to cellular detoxification by protecting the gene from free radical stress.
Supplements Guide
Powerful supplements to support your health.
If you feel you are ready and would like to try supplementation, prioritise the milk thistle and a simple binder like charcoal (both cheap and perfect supplement starter options). It’s important to take your binder at least 30 min before or 1hr after eating or taking any supplements/medications so that they do not bind to the good nutrients you want to keep in your system.
Magnesium is also a good choice if you are suffering from detox withdrawal symptoms and your sleep is being affected.
Download the guide (page 1) and put it somewhere visible as a daily reminder.
To help you make things super easy for you, I've created a ‘supercharge’ Detox Supplements Guide printable that you can put up your fridge. This guide includes details about what you should take, what time of day, for how long you should take it, dosages, and links to some purchase options.
In the Guide I have included the five recommended detox supplements that enhance detoxification. There is also an optional list to help deepen your detox experience.
PLEASE READ: If this is your first time, or first detox, please go gently with this. I don't want you to feel overwhelmed. This is something you can look into doing in the next week or two, or maybe even on my next program.
“I want you to know that you actually have WAY more power than you realise. Giving into cravings is just a pattern of behaviour, it isn’t who you are. You are in control, not the behaviour.”