Module 1.7: Week 2 Recipes & Shopping
Watch the video tutorial and drink 2 - 3 litres of filtered water daily.
Plan your meals for the week from the recipes provided.
Print or download the Shopping List and Recipes for when you do your shop. Prioritise organic food where you can.
Changing your diet for a healthier YOU.
You are a week into your program, and hopefully by now you are starting to feel more energetic, more healthy, and with your mojo starting to flow!
I know there was a lot to take in this week, so don't put pressure on yourself to do every step. Take it one step at a time.
Start with the warm lemon water. Once you're comfortable with that try a green detox juice. And so on…
Next week you will continue following the guidelines and principles of the 28-Day Diet. Your diet will include easy-to-digest grains and some animal protein (although feel free to stick with the vegan diet if this suits you best, as it will continue to give your digestive system a gorgeous, well-deserved break!).
In today’s module you receive your Meal Planner for week 2. If you put it up on your fridge you will know at a glance your meals for the day - and for the week ahead.
I encourage you to take your Week 2 Recipes and Shopping List with you shopping, as this help motivate you to stick with the diet.
If you don’t have a water filtration system at home, purchase good quality filtered water when you’re at the shops. The vast array of toxins in tap water can impede good health and weight loss.
In fact, if you take ONE thing away from the 28-Day Summer Body meal Plan - drink filtered, pure water, and on a regular basis.
“Once you gain momentum and you start to feel good, you’re not going to want to stop!”

MODULE 1.7: Week 2 Recipes & Shopping
The Power of Water
Did you know that water makes up 70% of our bodies?
We purchased a Genzon Water filter in 2013 and we still couldn't be happier with it. This amazing water system was created in Japan by water scientists to emulate natural spring water, free from contaminants and full of essential minerals.
This home water system filters and removes toxins and contaminants including bacteria (including e-coli, giardia, cryptospiridium), chemicals (including 100% chlorine & 90% of fluoride), heavy metals, THM's, sediment & particles (down to 0.1.5 micron).
A balanced range of alkaline minerals is then added to the water via deep sea mined mineral stones and sanitised by silver stones, a natural anti-bacterial which prevents the formation of algae in the water.
Oh, and the water tastes A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
I am excited to share a fantastic offer with you from Genzon Water Filter! They are offering you a 10% discount off their amazing water filter systems!
Click HERE to choose your system and use the discount code: MUMMYMOJO10.
Watch my video tutorial above, and read my tips below about keeping hydrated, why quality matters, and how you can make it a part of your daily routine.
In fact, we need it to survive, but most of the population is dehydrated.
Water is needed for the normal functioning of our cells. It transports nutrients into the cells, and it moves toxins, waste, and debris out of the cell. Drinking plenty of water is one of the most important, and easiest changes that you can make for your health and wellbeing.
If you don't drink enough water, toxins can build up, weakening your immune system.
However, there is a BUT. And it's a BIG one...
The water MUST be filtered!
Although the government is supposed to provide us with safe drinking water this isn't necessarily the case.
Scientific studies continue to show that tap water contains contaminates such as chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, fluoride, bacteria, and chlorine, which can all be very detrimental to your health.
These toxins in the water can also make it difficult to lose weight, presenting you with an additional challenge.
Not only that, your digestive system, circulatory system, and your body’s ability to absorb and transport nutrients from your food, are all dependent on your water intake.

Week 2 - Shopping List & Recipes
PRINTABLE - Week 2 Shopping List
To make things easy for you, here’s a Shopping List for week 2. Take the list with you when shopping (print out or on your phone) to fill your pantry and fridge with summer-friendly, healthy food and drinks. I have marked the foods in 'blue' that are the most contaminated by toxins, chemicals, and pesticides. I recommend that you prioritise these foods as organic, and only buy conventional for the foods which are the least contaminated foods.
PRINTABLE - Week 2 Recipe Book
All the delicious, detoxifying meals, snacks, and drinks you need for your second week of the weight loss phase of the program are included in this link. Remember, the recipes are ideal for those who want to lose a good amount of weight, like to follow guidelines, and enjoy not having to think about what to cook. However, if you like things more flexible you can do that too. Use the recipes and diet rules as a guideline of what you should eat and adjust accordingly to your schedules and tastes.
Week 2 Meal Planner
The recipes are varied in serving sizes because for some of you this is a personal journey, and for others you wish to cook detox-friendly meals for your friends, partner or family.
Left-overs can often be put in the freezer for a "rainy day" - so you won't be tempted to get an unhealthy takeaway meal instead.
And don’t forget to do some meal planning this weekend. It is one of the biggest struggles people face when going on a specific diet or detox, and it can get in the way of your success.
Take your time to get prepared so that you are well set up for success in the future weeks.
The recipes this week include; smoothies, salads, juices, and snacks, along with nutrient-packed, delicious meals that will keep you feeling fuller for longer.
The healing of your digestive system is underway, and so you will tolerate a little more animal protein and some grains into your diet. If you wish to stick with a vegan diet, we have provided options for this.
Don't forget to whip up a batch of the pesto, tahini and hummus dips (week 1 recipes) as they will add lots of flavour to your meals. They are also tasty as snacks with a veggie stick or two!