Ten Simple Mindfulness Activities For Kids
Soul, Health Deborah Emmerson Soul, Health Deborah Emmerson

Ten Simple Mindfulness Activities For Kids

Ask any parent if they’d like their child to be able to focus their attention on a task without distraction, calm themselves down when they are anxious or angry, or be kind to other children, and the answer would be a resounding yes! Mindfulness offers all these benefits and more, and can provide our children with valuable tools to help them deal with the many challenges they face growing up. Not only that, habits formed in early life shape the behaviours we adopt in adulthood. Starting at a young age with simple mindfulness activities that are kid-friendly can give our children the habit of caring for their mental health throughout their life.

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Making mindfulness easy for busy mums
Soul Amy Down Soul Amy Down

Making mindfulness easy for busy mums

There’s a lot of buzz about the word "mindfulness", and how it can help you live a calmer, more fulfilling, more satisfying life. But, when you're a mum, finding time to do a mindfulness practice is pretty much at the bottom of your to-do list!

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