Six Simple Ways To Have A Great Day When You're Stuck Indoors

When you're stuck indoors with the kids it can be a little miserable for everyone. The kids get bored and restless, your plans are out the window, and your To Do list remains just that. We've had quite a lot of these recently due to non-stop rain, as well as illness and injury, and it can be hard to keep your spirits up. But with some creativity,  a little adjustment in your expectations, and focusing on enjoying the moment, these days can be a real gift. Here's six simple ways to have a great day when you're stuck indoors, and how Monday looked for us this week:

Make Soup

Just like our mothers and grandmothers before us knew, soup has some sort of magical power. Making soup is a simple and humble task that is relaxing and therapeutic for the soul, and the delicious aromas created make for a cozy, homely feeling.  At the kids' request I made "Mummy's Super Soup" (Spicy Lentil and Vegetable to you and me) and I got such joy from watching them mop up every warm, hearty, nourishing mouthful.

soup two

Play With Your Kids

As mums, we're always there to feed, clean, help, guide, and police our kids. But when was the last time you got down on the floor and actually got stuck into the simple task of playing with them?

I'm all for screen time in controlled amounts, but when you see one of your kids taking his Ipad to the loo with him because he doesn't want to miss a moment of Minecraft, you realise it's time to do something else.

We grabbed loads of soft toys from the bedrooms (that usually sit idly on beds, shelves and more often the floor) and created a puppet show in a crazy world where Minecraft meets Scooby Doo meets Lilo and Stitch meets socks puppets.


It took me a while to warm up, but before long I was totally in the zone, playing my part with crazy accents, immersing myself in ridiculous plots and having the time of my life.

We rolled around on the floor with tears of laughter, and the happiness on my kids' faces made we want to burst with joy. How had I forgotten how to totally lose myself in creative play? How had I forgotten how funny my kids are? Why don't we do this more often? Through glowing cheeks and panting breaths they declare this is the best fun they have ever had (I swear it isn't but you know what kids are like for exaggerating!)

Do One Small Thing

We all have tasks to do around the house that just never seem to get done. I have many, but I decided to tackle just one small thing - a drawer in my kitchen that has become a dumping ground for anything I don't know what to do with.

drawer pre

Thirty minutes later (with a good ten minutes of that reacquainting myself with some long lost items) I have a neat and tidy drawer. The drawer is decluttered and in some small way so is my mind. I also feel a little smug that I have at least achieved one small thing.

drawer post

Be Creative With Exercise

When it's too wet and windy for a walk and a splash outside in the puddles, it's time to get creative with exercise indoors. Get yourself and the kids moving and create a fun circuit workout routine with moves like star jumps, high-knees running in place and step ups. Or, like we did this week, put on the Mamma Mia DVD and learn and perform all the dance moves. For that brief moment in time we were all Dancing Queens.

Have a Pamper Bath

Turn bath-time into me-time. Light some candles, put on some zen music and relax in a bubble bath. Take some time to just lie there and do nothing - still your mind, release any tension in your body, and reflect on your day.

Add some pampering extras to your usual perfunctory bath routine. Apply a face mask, a hair conditioning treatment such as homemade coconut oil and honey hair mask, and give your body a brush. You'll be left feeling relaxed and radiant.


Make Hot Chocolate

Just because :)

Do you have a top tip on how to keep your mojo flowing when you are stuck indoors? If so then please share with us in the comments section, we'd love to hear it x


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