28 Day Summer Body Meal Plan Final Wrap-Up

I created the ​28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan​ to ​help you eliminate harmful toxins for improved digestion, glowing skin, increased mood, and more energy and vitality, with that incredible MOJO glow :-)!

At the heart of my​ Meal Plan was​ fresh, home made, delicious, nutritious food and drinks, that helped you detoxify, lose weight, and nourish your body for optimum health and vitality.

Over the course of my program, you transitioned through 3 important phases:

1. Planning, Preparation & Weaning Phase
2. Weight loss Phase
3. Maintenance Phase

During each phase you supported your ​ 28-Day Summer Body Diet​ with a number of tools, tips,
actions and booster steps, which I provided in the form of how-to guides, articles, text messages, and video tutorials.

Links to all the recipes, shopping lists, and meals plans are included below, along with a summary of the tools, actions, guides and booster steps for each phase of the program. You can refer back to them (before the next one starts) whenever you feel like giving you body an energy and weight loss boost.