Who is Mummy Mojo?

Welcome, my name is Amy Down. I am a Coach (nutrition and life), Practitioner (Hypnosis, EFT, NLP, TLT, Matrix Reimprinting), blogger, mum, and self-confessed mojo-holic. I lost my mojo when I became a mum. Mine was a typical story - I was overburdened and continuously putting my own needs last, no matter what it cost me physically, socially, emotionally and mentally. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, to find my mojo and get it back - to feel excited, energised and confident with my mojo in full flow.

It’s my goal at Mummy Mojo to inspire, encourage and empower people that the struggles of life have gotten on top of and take the steps to get their mojo back too — and keep it for good. To be happy, healthy, with more joy and fulfilment and less resentment and stress.


Amy Down
Founder | Coach / Practitioner


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3-Day Mojo Reboot

Whether you want to get better sleep, lose the belly bloat, improve your skin, or you just want to give your digestive system a break, the 3-Day Mojo Reboot will help you break the "Coronavirus vicious cycle" and get your health and wellness back on track.


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Health Clinic

My clinic in North Manly has complimentary therapies such as infrared sauna, ionic foot spa, ozone therapy, EFT/tapping, nutrition, health and life coaching programs.

My holistic lifestyle coaching covers everything from health, weight loss, detoxing, and nutrition, to helping you let go of stress, negative thoughts, and unhelpful habits. In addition to this, I can support you in releasing trauma, negative patterns of behaviour, and limiting beliefs (I’m not worthy, I’m not good enough, I can’t lose weight...) that may be holding you back from living your best, mojo-filled life.

I give you the tools to take back control of your own health, weight, and happiness, where you feel empowered to live your best, mojo-filled life.