I am SO excited you have joined my 3-Day Mojo Reboot!

  • Has the busyness of life left you feeling a bit blah?

  • Have your healthy habits fallen by the wayside?

  • Maybe you've developed some bad habits that aren't serving you?

Whether you want to get better sleep, lose the belly bloat, improve your skin, or you just want to give your digestive system a break, the 3-Day Mojo Reboot will help you break the "unhealthy cycle" and get your health and wellness back on track, whatever your goal.

In my 3-Day Mojo Reboot, I provide you with the tools you need to help you gently detoxify the body, flood it with incredible nutrition, and set you on the path to adopting some healthier habits. It will be a great kick-start to reset, revitalise and restore your body to its most efficient, balanced state. After the 3-Day Mojo Reboot you may find your energy has been renewed, you can focus better, and you are starting to sleep more restfully.

You might even lose some weight!

By giving focused commitment to this program for 3 days you will be doing an amazing thing for yourself - it's time to get your mojo back in flow!

3-Day Mojo Reboot Diet Guidelines

The 3-Day Mojo Reboot Diet Guidelines includes some basic steps that will give you the framework for achieving your goals over the next 3 days. By following my simple guidelines you will be fuelling your body with the best possible nutrients for optimal health. Print them out and put them somewhere visible. If you follow them you can't go far wrong.


The 3-Day Mojo Reboot is a whole food, mostly plant-based diet that has been specifically designed to gently cleanse the body and replenish it with high quality nutrition. In just 3 days you can revitalise your whole system, helping to balance hormones, reduce inflammation, reset your metabolism and banish belly bloat.

Your 3 day meal plan is low in toxins, sugar, carbs, and saturated fats, and includes a high intake of leafy greens and colourful vegetables, salads, and fruits with a healthy level of good fats. Also on the diet is lower amounts of complex carbs, healthy grains, grass-fed and free-range eggs and animal protein.

During the 3 days I encourage you to eliminate processed foods, white flour, refined carbs, sugar, meat, dairy and alcohol. I also encourage you to reduce your caffeine intake as much as you can.

Buy organic if you can, prioritising the 12 fruit and veggies on the current EWG ‘dirty dozen’ list. Farmers markets are a great place to get good quality, local organic produce, or you can shop in the organic section of your local supermarket. If you are not buying organic, make sure you scrub your fruit and veggies in water and a little apple cider vinegar and bicarb soda to ensure you remove chemicals and pesticides as much as possible.

Your meal plan will include every breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe for 3 days, plus snack ideas. You can make them for one or include the whole family. Aim to stick to the recipes as much as possible during the 3 days. If you come across something you do not like, substitute it with something similar, sticking as much as possible to the guidelines.

When you have received your meal plan, have a look ahead at the recipes and see if there is anything you can prep in advance to make your life easier on the day. My reboot recipes typically contain activated seeds - this is something you can definitely prepare in advance and then keep them in a jar ready to use.

Each morning will typically include a morning detox drink first thing to activate your system, and a juice or a smoothie for breakfast, so you will need a blender and/or juicer to make these. A stainless-steel thermos is handy if you want to take it to work.

I recommend that you drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day - between 2-3 litres a day. I also recommend you sip on dandelion tea throughout the day - it’s nutrient-rich and detoxifying for the liver which helps with weight loss.


  • White flour, refined carbs, sugar, processed snacks, and alcohol.

  • Reduce and then eliminate caffeine (refer to my guide to avoid withdrawal symptoms).

  • Replace with dairy alternatives where possible.

  • Drink plenty of filtered, pure water throughout the day. As a guideline; between 2 – 3 litres.

  • Buy organic food whenever possible (don’t use expense as an excuse - Aldi has some great, cheap options). Prioritise the 12 fruit and veggies on the current EWG ‘dirty dozen’ list. If this is not possible, choose local, fresh, and in-season. Always scrub and wash your produce.

  • Enjoying a smoothie or juice is recommended for breakfast. For an extra nutrient boost, you can add super greens and powders (spirulina, chlorella, acai, protein / pea powders).

  • Think the rainbow! This fibre-filled produce is immune-boosting and nutrient-rich and will increase your detoxification and elimination.

  • Two times a day have a 400–600 calorie meal, and enjoy something lighter for breakfast like a juice or smoothie (see recipes for guidelines). Snacking on fruit and salad vegetables is permitted.

My recipes and their ingredients have been specifically chosen for their detoxifying and nutritional qualities. They are ideal if you are looking to give your digestive system a rest, reset your metabolism, overcome cravings, banish belly bloat, boost your energy and give yourself a mojo GLOW. Follow them as closely as you can for the duration of the 3 days for the best results.


This shopping list contains all the ingredients you will need for each breakfast, smoothie, juice, lunch and main meal to complete your 3-Day Mojo Reboot, as well as a few snack options. The foods in 'blue' are the most contaminated by toxins, chemicals, and pesticides, known as The Dirty Dozen, and I recommend that you prioritise these foods as organic.

Shopping List

Meal Planner

All the meals, smoothies, drinks and snacks that you need to complete your 3-Day Mojo Reboot are included in this easy-to-read meal planner. I encourage you to put it up on your fridge, and take a copy to work so that you are reminded and inspired to keep on track.

Setting your intention for the 3-days

Whatever your goals, it is time to get clear on what it is you want to achieve in the next 3-days.

Take a moment to think about the number #1 diet or lifestyle habit that is not serving you that you'd like to change.

When you think about it you will get that sinking feeling, one that you've felt many times before. Sometimes you can feel it as a physical sensation in your heart or stomach.

You know you are stuck in a destructive cycle with it and and you're MORE than ready to kick it to the curb and move on.

Whether you'd like to reduce your sugar intake, take a break from red meat, cut back on the coffee or drink more water, the 3-Day Mojo Reboot provides you the opportunity to kick start some new healthy habits.

If you commit to them fully for the 3 days, not only will you see greater benefit, you will also be more likely to keep them going after your 3-Day Mojo Reboot has ended.

Write down your goals and you are 42% more likely to achieve them than those who don't! Tell a friend or an accountability buddy and this increases to a whopping 78%!

There's nothing more powerful than shifting your mindset to acknowledge that you deserve to feel good in your own body.

Believe in yourself, and you're already half way there.

Let's get this thing started - you got this!

Yours in health, happiness, and mojo,