Module 2.2: Drainage & Elimination
To detox your skin and support lymphatic flow, buy a dry body brush and follow my guide.
Drink your lemon detox water and eat lots of fibre daily to enhance drainage and elimination.
To eliminate toxins from your liver, choose one of my five recommended steps.
Supporting your Organs to Boost Detoxification and Weight Loss.
You are almost half way through the weight loss phase of the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan and there will be times when you’ll want to throw in the towel.
Creating change can be challenging because we "love our comfort".
When the urge to throw in the towel arises, take a quiet moment to consciously reconsider why you embarked on the program - a healthier body, slimmer waistline, stronger immunity, sharper mind, more energy and vitality.
Picture in your mind THAT outcome to inspire you to keep going...
And, if you are not quite seeing the results you want yet, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!
It might be that your body just needs a bit more support to flush out the toxins.
Just keep taking small steps and moving forward and things will start to happen.
You will start to see that your MOJO is more in FLOW with a positive GLOW..!
The 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan is a health and weight loss diet that works by detoxing the whole body.
My diet play an important part in the detoxification and weight loss process, however there are a number of systems in the body that need to be working optimally to enable the efficient release of toxins.
In today's module I'm sharing my top tips and tricks for elimination and drainage, along with key steps to improve lymphatic flow, and to give your liver some extra detox-loving!

MODULE 2.2: Drainage & Elimination

Dry Skin Brushing
Your skin is your largest most important eliminative organ in the body and is responsible for one quarter of the body’s detoxification each day.
Dry body brushing also increases the ability of the liver and adrenal glands to handle toxins, strengthens the immune system, and stimulates circulation and lymphatic flow.
A healthy lymphatic system helps to protect us from infections and allows us to better get rid of pathogens that may have entered the body. Brushing is an easy way to maintain a strong immune system and prevent and fight disease.
Watch my video and download my guide for how to make it a part of your daily detox routine.
There is one simple step you can add to your morning routine that will greatly improve its health – dry skin brushing.
I'm not only referring to your skin's aesthetic appearance, either. The benefits of dry skin brushing go beyond skin deep, offering whole-body benefits to your health.
Skin brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, liver and adrenal glands, and assists these organs in decongesting and dumping out their toxins as well as giving the body a gentle internal massage.
Drainage & Elimination are Key!
On a detox program it's important to have efficient drainage for effective elimination of waste and toxins. This is crucial to the success of your detox.
And best of all, you will eliminate the hidden “fat magnets” (e.g. toxins) and prime your body for safe, natural, and more effortless weight loss.
Here are some ways you can enhance drainage and elimination of toxins and waste:
Liver (and Gallbladder) - Drink the morning lemon water, dandelion tea throughout the day, and take milk thistle (1-2 tablets).
Kidneys - drink 2 - 3 litres of filtered water daily (for men it is between 3 - 4 litres).
Colon - eat the detox diet (as it contains lots of healthy fibre that acts like a scrubbing brush for your colon), eat mindfully (chew thoroughly to enhance the function of your digestive enzymes), and take a binder like charcoal or chlorella.
Stomach - eat fermented foods (ACV, yoghurt, sauerkraut) to increase and diversify the bacteria in your microbiome. Take a probiotic for extra support.
Lymphatic system - gentle exercise (yoga, walking), dry body brushing, Epsom salt bath, infrared sauna.
By taking on some of these habits, you will start to get things moving in the right direction - if you know what I mean! :-)
But what does this mean? Just as creeks flow into bigger rivers your body is equipped with vessels for transporting waste into larger channels of elimination. If there is a blockage in the flow of waste at some point along the chain, the channels that flow into that vessel will be impeded – just as obstructing the flow of water in a river will flood it upstream.
In your body, ‘flooding upstream’ means that your liver and gallbladder and lymphatic system are unable to perform their essential functions of filtering and removing waste from your body.
This leads to uncomfortable reactions (headaches, lethargy, skin rashes, etc) as toxins and wastes are released into your bloodstream but cannot be eliminated from your body.
This is not fun for anyone!
The main issue with poor drainage is with the liver / gall bladder / bile duct area. You’d think you could just poop it out, however bile is "expensive" energy wise.
The body recycles bile a lot - and you reabsorb the toxins if your bile is sludgy. You need to move the bile in order to get it thinner.
By opening your drainage pathways you will trigger a gentle detox that can reduce these symptoms and decrease inflammation.

Give your Liver some Love
The liver is sometimes referred to as the “CEO of detoxification".
When a toxin enters your liver, it responds by synthesising the appropriate enzyme for that toxin.
Many of the toxins we are exposed too, like pesticides, VOC’s, heavy metals, and dioxins, can inhibit the cytochrome P450 enzymes.
This means that toxins that should have been broken down instead linger longer in the body and cause damage.
Your job is to support your liver, because its health is so important when it comes to being able to safely "empty your bucket" of toxins.
READ HERE and try these simple ways to give your liver some "toxic-free" love.
It detoxifies the blood, produces bile to digest fat, works to break down hormones, and extracts essential vitamins and minerals the body needs.
In addition, your liver also helps to produce some major substances needed to keep your immune system and the rest of you working smoothly, including glutathione − the “mother” of all internally-produced antioxidants.
If your liver function isn't tip top, then your ability to get rid of the toxins that are in you, gets hampered.
Your liver produces enzymes that are responsible for neutralising toxins - between 50 and 100 of these enzymes, which are collectively known as cytochrome P450.
Limber up your Lymph
To say that your lymphatic system has a lot of responsibility for your well-being is an understatement.
But before that ever happens, you can do your part to keep everything flowing by practicing simple actions every day.
For a deeper lymphatic detox try one of these six steps:
Daily dry skin brushing for approximately 3-5 minutes before your shower each day.
Alternating cold showers to stimulate the lymph system (60 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold, and then build up to 30 seconds hot, 60 seconds cold).
Consume fresh greens with lots of fibre and nutrients for the lymphatic system, on a daily basis.
Practice deep breathing once a day for 3 - 10 minutes (if you’re unsure how to do this, leave me a questions in the private forum and as a breath work practitioner I can support you).
Lymphatic massage with a qualified massage therapist.
Weekly session in an infrared sauna (the heat will help loosen up the lymph, which is exactly what you need on a detox).
This “highway” of vessels moves lymphatic fluid from your toes to your head and to centralised lymph nodes.
The lymphatic system is hugely responsible for your overall immune health, in fact it is the first line of defence against disease.
This network of vessels and nodes transports and filters lymph fluid containing antibodies and lymphocytes (good) and bacteria (bad). The body’s first contact with these invaders signals the lymphatics, calling upon this system to orchestrate the way the infection-fighting cells prevent illness and disease.
The lymph also works closely with our circulatory, digestive, and respiratory systems to clear out infections, toxins, bodily wastes, and other inflammatory substances from the blood and body.
Many people have impaired lymphatic systems due to lack of exercise, poor diet, and low water intake. Being sedentary or dehydrated is kind of like construction on the highway — it can slow things down to a crawl...