Module 1.6: Sticking with The Program


  1. Create a morning ritual to help achieve your health goals.

  2. Schedule in 3 x 30 minute exercise sessions in the next week.

  3. Try some of my tips to help you deal better with cravings.

Your are now on your way to shifting some weight and clearing the toxins...

So far I have shared advice on why the 28-Day plant-based diet, will help to boost your metabolism and detox your body. I shared video tutorials on setting intentions, goal planning, making lemon water/green juicing/healthy smoothies, meal prepping, and scrubbing veggies, with handouts and guides for shopping, recipes, meal planning and prepping.

Hopefully you are underway with a few of these healthy steps, and maybe you starting to get a ‘pep in your own step’!

...However, as your body goes through the process of eliminating toxins and purifying itself you can feel pretty "yucky".

Headaches, lethargy, diarrhoea, irritability, insomnia, skin rashes and low mood can be part of the norm in those first few days when your body is working in overdrive to eliminate long-held toxins.

I call this a healing crisis. For a short time, you may actually feel worse and may conclude that the detox diet is not working.

But please don't give up!

Usually these symptoms are a sign that the detox program is working and the body is establishing a new level of well-being. This reaction is only temporary and usually lasts from one to four days.

On days when you want to give up, remind yourself that every day you commit to making positive choices, you are getting closer to your desired health goals.

Remember, you’re only human.

Being kind to yourself is super important to sustaining your new healthy lifestyle in the long-term.

In this module I share why creating a morning ritual, and effectively dealing with cravings, will give you the best chance at success with this program. It's also time to prioritise exercise and get that beautiful body of yours moving!

Make nourishing, healthy food choices, and you will naturally crowd out processed and sugar based foods. It will also leave you feeling satisfied, energised and revitalised, instead of hungry, craving and tired.
— Amy, Mummy Mojo

Creating a Morning Routine

How do your days begin?

Do you wake up alert and alive, ready to go and anticipating the people, events and activities to come?

Or, is your mood a bit grey... your head filled with an endless to-do list, and your heart heavy?

If it's the latter, having a morning routine will set the tone for your day, helping you keep focused on achieving your goals.

You can start this off by first setting your intention.

Ask yourself; "What do you want more of in your day?"

Is it to stick to the program? Weight loss? Better health? Better mood? Increased energy? Happiness?

Figure out what your goals are, and go from there.

You need to find a morning routine that suits you, meeting your needs while also being flexible enough to adapt to your likely varied schedule – kids, unexpected meetings, etc.

Look at what ways might best nourish your mind, body and spirit, knowing you need to take care of all those aspects of yourself in order to set yourself up well for the day.

Here are some ideas, which I have found effective to get your day off to a great start:

Affirmation/Personal Mantra
Choose an affirmation/personal mantra for the day, eg. “I am beautiful and I make healthy choices for an ideal body.” As you read and re-write your goals in your journal every day, they'll become forged in your subconscious mind, and you will start taking action!

Meditation/Breath Work
You can listen to music, do a guided meditation, or focus on a mantra. I love Louise Hay and you are spoilt for choice with her meditations. Another easy form of meditation is to concentrate on your breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose to the count of four. Then, with lips puckered, exhale very slowly through your mouth to the count of 6, or for as long as you can. Concentrate on the long sighing sound and feel the tension dissolve. Repeat 10 times.

5-15 minutes of stretching/yoga poses to energise you and help jump start your day. I start in a Child’s pose, then go on to Cat-Cow pose, followed by a Downward-Dog. I then do a few rounds of Salute to the Sun, or a series of stretches that my body feels like. You can go on YouTube and find lots of quick, easy-to-do routines. Mix it up so that it doesn’t get boring.

5-10 minutes of movement to get your lymphatic system and circulation moving (set phone to "airplane mode" so you're not tempted to check social media). You can try running on the spot, dancing, or Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine. It takes no more than 10 minutes. Check out my video above, where I share a set of simple exercises to release stress, and to get more joy and energy into your day!

Lemon Water
Add the juice of 1/2 a lemon and 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar to warm filtered water. If you are suffering from pain and inflammation you can include 1/2 tsp. of turmeric powder, or 1 tsp. of minced ginger for a sluggish digestive system.

In a journal list all the things in your life that you are grateful for. Then jot down anything that has come up overnight, good or bad. Journaling is a beautiful and powerful facilitator of self-discovery. It will provide you with clarity about what you want in life, while improve your ability to commit to new, healthy habit changes.

My morning routine ritual fills me with peace and relaxation. I find this crucial to sustain me throughout the day, helping me to make healthier choices, and deal better with problems at work or home.

Easy Exercise for Busy People

Simple yet effective ways to exercise.

As you reduce your level of protein and carbs there is likely not enough there to repair and replenish tissues if you work out too intensely.

You'll be left feeling worn out and sapped of energy!

But still, exercise is an important part of this program, and it can assist with your weight loss efforts. Just remember not to overdo it physically while on the diet as the effects can be counter-productive. If you run all the time for example, think about switching some of your runs for a brisk 30 minute walk instead.

Watch my workout video and read my 'Top Ten Fitness Tips for Busy Parents' for simple, yet effective ways to get moving this week.

Moving the body creates the conditions for the body to breathe, circulate and sweat, and this benefits the detoxification and weight loss process.

When you work out, you’re naturally working with your detox channels—deep breathing helps expel toxins through the lungs, you sweat out toxins through your skin, you’re stimulating the colon, and you’re activating toxin release through your lymphatic system.

Your lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump the way your circulatory system does, so it’s relying on you to get up and get active each day to keep your lymphatic juices flowing.

It's important to know however, that a program like this requires energy.

Part of this journey is introspection, so listen to your body. On some days it may be better to do some gentle yoga, on other days cardio in the form or walking or cycling may be more your speed.
— Amy, Mummy Mojo

Dealing with Cravings

Everyone experiences cravings.

Another way to keep cravings at bay, is to keep the cookies and chips off your kitchen counter and out of sight - out of the home is even better.

People who have kitchen counters cluttered with tempting treats tend to consume 40% more calories over the course of the day than people who don't.

Another little mindset tool I sometimes use when cravings strike, is to ask myself: 'DINTEO' (acronym - 'Do I Need This Eating Opportunity?').

Whenever you are faced with an eating opportunity—and they pop up constantly throughout the day (free pastries when getting coffee, cookies on the counter, etc.)—ask yourself that question. Chances are the answer is going to be no because the food encounter typically happens when you're not even feeling hungry.

You can then ask your body what it actually needs. For example, if you feel tired, you likely need rest. If you’re unable to sleep, maybe you’re stressed and need to find ways to relax.

You get the picture.

The trick to managing these cravings is to have strategies in place so that you don't feel deprived, which can often make it worse.

To read more about my key ways to crush cravings read my ‘How to Curb that Craving’ feature and download my ‘Dealing with Cravings Guide’.

Whether you have a sweet tooth, savoury tooth, or both, it can come calling at any time of the day or night.

For many of us it strikes during the 3pm slump!

Unfortunately, the temporary “high” you get from giving in, is then followed by a big crash, making you feel worse than you did before reaching for a treat.

Distinguishing the underlying cause for these food cravings can be challenging, since they usually stem from a combination of emotional, hormonal and biochemical factors.

The most common emotional triggers for food cravings typically include stress, depression, boredom and a general need for comfort.

A common physical trigger for people is fluctuating blood sugar levels. This is typically caused by a lack of food as a result of going too long between meals. A piece of fruit, or a handful of nuts can get the blood sugar levels back up and prevent you from reaching for that decadent chocolate bar you’ve been craving.

You can stifle a craving by replacing it with something naturally sweet or savoury, so it’s always good to have some nutritious alternatives to hand.

When you're craving potato chips, cut some carrots and cucumbers and dip them into hummus. Your mouth will enjoy the crunchy, salty, satisfaction of potato chips without the overload of calories and sodium.

I want you to know that you actually have WAY more power than you realise. Giving into cravings is just a pattern of behaviour, it isn’t who you are. You are in control, not the behaviour.
— Amy, Mummy Mojo