Module 4.2: Self-Care Practices


  1. Watch my video, and read my post, for how essential oils can detox your mind and body.

  2. Try my simple EFT technique to release stress and other toxic emotions.

  3. Try a step from my 7 ways to get a good night's sleep.

If you are reading this, you are still committed to changing your unhealthy habits.

With only two days to go, this is a reminder that it’s NEVER too late to take action.

None of us are perfect. It’s common to take a few steps forward and then a step or two backward. This is normal and perfectly okay.

What's important is how you pick yourself back up again.

If you have changed your diet and taken steps to detox your home, yet you are still not seeing the results you want, there might be something more to it.

I see clients who feel like they’ve been doing everything "right" and aren’t getting the weight loss results that they want.

They diet… They obsess over calories… They push themselves at the gym... and they are still not seeing what they want on the scale, or in the mirror.

That’s why I always say that you need to look deeper — beyond just food, calories, and exercise…

Negative thought patterns driven by that annoying voice in your head ("you're not good enough, ...worthy enough, ...skinny enough... and you're powerless to change it, and that's that!”) can get in the way.

YOU who can choose to ignore that "inner-critic voice" and make another CHOICE.

One that brings you an abundance of health, energy and mojo.

To boost your motivation, here is a list of things that are typically within your ability to control:


food and drink choices
food storage containers
personal care products
household cleaners
water filtration

sleep habits
stress and negative emotions.


lifestyle habits (these take time)⁠
your furniture (can be expensive to change)
✅ your surroundings (e.g; moving out of a mouldy home, away from EMR radiation)
toxic relationships.

You CAN take back control of your health outcomes with some simple life decisions.

Start by picking a step, or two, that is simple for you to take, e.g, reduce your daily caffeine intake, eat plant-based meals a few times a week, meal prep for 1hr on a Sunday, implement a morning ritual for 5-10 minutes.

By changing one habit, the one that's been irking you the most, you can make REAL, POSITIVE CHANGE to your health, and have a body you can be proud of :-)!

Whether it takes a single moment, a series of moments, or simply a huge step in the right direction… Change IS possible!
— Amy, Mummy Mojo

Essential Oils to Detox the Mind and Body

I use DoTERRA because their essential oils are high quality, they are committed to philanthropic practices, and their mission is to have a healer in every home.

I turned my entire home into a wellness sanctuary. It was life-changing to be able to use cleaning products, skincare, haircare, toothpaste, wrinkle oil (oh hey there, Frankincense) and other beauty products that were toxin free and not full of nasty chemicals.

I felt good about how I was treating my body and my home, and I noticed that the essential oils were not only helping my physical health, they were balancing my emotions too.

I discovered that these essential oils could help me release the negative emotions stored in my body. For example, Cedarwood to help me feel stable and grounded, Bergamot to help me in the areas of self-love, self-worth, self-acceptance, and self-judgment. To de-stress and calm down my nervous system, calming oils such as Lavender, Lavender Peace, Clary Sage, Vetiver and Sandalwood.

I knew that they would be an important part of my healing journey as well as being part of my family's (natural, chemical-free) medicine kit - keeping them healthy too.

Watch my video, and read my post, for how these powerful oils can take you from feeling stressed and overwhelmed to serene and calm, and so much more.

I am an advocate for all things natural. I champion local, organic food because it is as close to the natural source as you can get, I take vitamins, herbs and minerals that are high quality and contain natural ingredients, and the majority of my personal care and house hold products are chemical-free.

In 2014 I was looking for the next step to support my wellness journey when I was introduced to doTERRA essential oils. My friend was using the essential oils for herself and her family, and was receiving many health benefits while significantly reducing the toxic-load in her household.

I initially started using them for common household ailments - headaches, upset stomach, ear aches, allergies, cold and flu, muscle pain and soreness. I watched each time as these oils appeared to miraculously help relieve my symptoms, and those of my family.

But this was only the beginning of my aromatic adventures...

Next thing you know I am putting Lemon essential oil into my water to flush my body of toxins, diffusing Peppermint oil and Citrus Bliss to zest me up in the morning, rubbing the Balance blend on the backs of my feet to ground me, and having Lavender and Clary Sage essential oil baths to de-stress me and balance my hormones.

EFT to Ease Toxic Emotions

Over time we develop habitual patterns, ways of being and thinking, that simply do not serve us.

These patterns are a large part of why we have trouble sleeping, why we feel like there's too much to do, like the stress will never end, and why we can't be present in the moment.

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or "tapping" is a simple stress relief technique in which you use your fingertips to tap on various points on your head, hands, body, and face while you verbally recite positive affirmations.

Tapping can be used to process your negative emotions, stop repeating negative patterns, and it is also highly effective for relieving a wide range of physical diseases and chronic pain.

Best of all, it works quickly.

Based on Chinese medicine principles, and often referred to as "psychological acupressure", tapping on the body's energy meridian points helps release blockages within the energy system which are causing emotional and physical pain.

If you are interested in a tapping session to alleviate anything from fears, restless sleep, and mood swings to the symptoms of anxiety, pain, trauma, and fatigue, I would be delighted to assist you as a fully qualified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner. You can simply PM me, and I will give you 20% off your first session.

In addition, I am offering an extra bonus 1/2 hour absolutely free to experience the Matrix Reimprinting tool - an amazingly effective technique to transform and resolve negative memories, patterns of thinking, behaviours, and beliefs.

Watch my video on how to use the simple EFT technique to release stressful feelings from the body.


We all need great sleep, just like we all need great nutrition.

Sufficient, good quality sleep is essential for good health and is vital to support growth hormones, which you need to promote lean muscle tissue and the burning of body fat.

Having inadequate sleep forces cortisol levels to rise, which can quicken fat storage, especially around the belly area!

But let's face it, pretty much everything suffers if you don’t get adequate sleep.

You feel cranky and tired the next day, and you won’t have as much energy or motivation to keep on a healthy diet, never mind staying on a program like this.

The more sleep deprived you are the less productive you will be, and, I can't have that!

To have more mojo-filled days, read my post 'seven reasons for getting a good night's shut eye'.

Yet unfortunately, many of us do NOT get great sleep!

Confession: I used to be the WORST sleeper! When our son was young he used to get croup in the winter months, and we made many a hospital visit in the middle of the night! From that point onward I was “always-on” and sleeping with one eye open!

As parents you can often suffer from a lack of sleep, which can lead to extreme tiredness. Being tired all the time can have a detrimental effect on your health and happiness.

But there are many factors that can interfere with a good night’s sleep. Even if you are no longer night feeding or tending to kids waking in the night, our hectic lives, pressure at work, family circumstances, stress and illness can all lead to poor, broken sleep.

For most of us it’s not possible to drop everything and implement drastic change, but the benefits of sleep don’t have to be a case of ‘all or nothing’. Increasing your sleep by as little as 15 minutes a night can immediately and drastically improve the way you feel and function.