Module 4.3: Final Wrap Up & What’s Next?


  1. Check out the Final Wrap-Up report.

  2. Complete the Post Detox Worksheet.

  3. Watch my affirmations video and plan your next step to being optimally healthy.

Congratulations on completing your 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan! Here’s to celebrating YOU!

Thank you for committing yourself to making some changes to your health and body.

YOU are amazing!

YOU deserve to be healthy, happy, and with your MOJO in full flow…

Be proud of yourself for priortising YOU!

Hopefully, along this journey you learnt that that a plant-based diet doesn’t have to be boring, or leave you feeling unsatisfied. This may inspire you to maintain the new, healthier you, as going back to all your old eating habits could undo all that great work.

Think of the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan as a blueprint for your long-term eating plan. Now, that you have the hang of eating this way, you can incorporate the elements that worked for you into your future diet.

However this program went for you, I want you to accept where are you are right now.

Even if you only keep up with a couple of the program steps, you will still continue to become more vibrant, healthier, and toxic free.

It's now time to look back on your 28-Day journey to a healthy, chemical-free life, and to remind yourself of the key points we covered during this transformational program.

I shared a variety of detox tools and practices that you can continue to use moving forward. Some of these included; organic foods, detox supplements, drinking filtered water, nourishing your liver, improving lymphatic drainage, using chemical-free products, detoxing your home, your sleep, and your emotions.

You now have the tools and techniques to live a more detoxed life with optimal health and increased vitality.

A life with your mojo in flow -:)

I appreciate there were a lot of steps to cover over the 28 day period and you might not have had to time to go through them all yet. That's why I put together a wrap up in the member's portal so that you have links to the handouts and videos, all in the one place. That way you can quickly read through and download the one you need.

Here is the Final Wrap-Up for you to access until the next one starts

 MODULE 4.3: Final Wrap-Up & What’s Next?

Reflections & Learnings

It's the end of your 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan experience and it's now time to reflect on how far you've come.

And remember, it is a practice.

It is like a muscle, the more you flex your detox muscles the stronger they get!

Although life is busy, many of the recipes and detox tools I shared with you can be incorporated into your everyday life moving forward.

It's just about swapping a toxic habit for a more cleansed, healthier version.

One step at a time...

A habit swap that supports you in being the best mojo-filled version of YOU!

Answer these questions in your post-detox worksheet and you will have a clearer idea of what most inspired you, what made the biggest difference, what worked for you, and what steps you found the most challenging.

You will also have a plan for how you can continue with your weight loss and detox practice.

Because it is not something you ever complete, as you will always be bombarded with processed foods, alcohol, sugar, and other toxins.

It is a way of living and I encourage you to keep going with some of the recipes and detox habits to support a healthy, vibrant YOU for many years to come.

Complete the Post Detox Worksheet

Affirmations & Visualisations

I believe that setting goals for your health and your life is an essential step to help you achieve what you want

If you like this exercise you can create a vision board for every area of your life. A vision board is essentially a physical manifestation of your goals. I create two every year as I find my goals change throughout the year and the 6 month mark is a good time to reassess this. Vision boarding is a great way to get clear on your goals and motivate yourself to bring them to life.

You first identify your desires and write them down. Then you can select images (magazine clippings, print off the computer, pictures you draw, words of affirmations) that represent those desires. The simple selection process narrows down your focus and personalises your board with specific messages that matter to you. For example, say you want to do a morning ritual daily, when you visualise yourself doing your morning ritual, your brain trains your body for that reality. In fact, in one neuropsychology study, researchers found that the mental training of the physical exercise was almost as effective as the actual physical practice.

The key final step you need to take, which I realised only a few years ago, is to place it in a spot you see EVERY DAY. By doing this you create the opportunity for consistent visualisation to train your mind, body, and spirit to manifest your desires.

2. Affirmations and Mantras

One of my favourite techniques that is free, simple, and easy to apply, and can help you overcome your self-destructive thoughts, is daily affirmations and mantras.

An affirmation is a statement that evokes not only a picture, but the experience of already having what you want. Here’s some examples:

“I am beautiful and I make healthy choices for an ideal body.”

'I choose to life an optimally healthy and energetic life where my mojo is in full flow."

Repeating affirmations throughout the day, and writing them down in a journal, keeps you focused on your goal, strengthens your motivation, and programs your subconscious by sending an order to your crew to do whatever it takes to make that goal happen.

A fun and motivating way to bring your goals to life is to create; mantras, vision boards, inspirational quotes, affirmations. I find these all to be powerful tools to help guide you to your desired outcome.

What's great about these tools is that because they help activate the law of attraction they support you on the roller coaster of life where experiencing challenges and negative emotions is normal.

Writing down and/or visualising positive messages for your life, will over time start to reframe your inner dialogue.

The inner "nasty" voice that produces one thought after another. Like a difficult partner, it reminds you of what you did not do, what you shouldn’t have said, what you did not notice, and so on.

Over time this negative self-talk breaks down your confidence and can have a serious impact on your relationships, career and health.

Mentally repeating positive words and visualising positive images can help provide immediate encouragement when you are feeling negative. It also takes you out of the negative thought pattern so that your focus is on what you want.

Why not try one of these simple techniques to help you stay on track, and to keep reaching your goals:

1. Visualisations & Vision Boards

A powerful visualisation technique is to create a photograph or picture of yourself with your goal, as if it were already completed. If one of your goals is to lose weight so that you have your dream summer body, find a picture of the kind of figure you're after (be realistic) and cut out a picture of yourself and place it into the picture.

Another way to do this is to find a picture of you when you had your dream figure and put it somewhere visual.

Watch my video for simple ways to include this technique in your daily routine.

What’s Next?

Like what you have learned so far?

Want more tips and tricks on how to further incorporate detoxing into your daily life?

Want to find out more about life coaching, hypnosis, tapping (EFT), Time Line Therapy (TLT), and NLP to release negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs and physical ailments?

Want to make changes in other areas – self-worth, relationships, stress reduction?

As a 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan participant I'm offering a special 15% DISCOUNT on these services and treatments:

  • Health, Nutrition & Life Coaching

  • Infrared Sauna

  • Ionic Detox Foot Spa

  • Aromatherapy

  • EFT and Matrix Reimprinting

  • Hypnosis, TLT, and NLP.

I will work with you, one-on-one, and guide you to create a healthier and happier life. Your Mojo will be in full flow!

So, are you ready to make your goals a reality?