Module 1.1:
Goals & Intention Setting


  1. Set your intentions: Watch the setting intentions video, answer the questions in the worksheet, and write down your top intention for the program.

  2. Set your goals: Put 10 minutes aside to watch the tapping video and write down your goals in the Pre-Detox Worksheet or your Detox Journal.

  3. Share your #1 goal in the Private Group so that everyone can cheer you on.

I am thrilled you have joined my 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan :-)!!!

You have made the commitment to change your life for the better and I couldn’t be more thrilled for you!

Now it is time to stand in your power. To own it and to trust it.

When you trust in your power you align to a healing greater than anything you can consciously imagine.

You should feel proud for taking action, and excited that the health and body you want are just around the corner.

If you haven't already, it's a good time now to fill in your Pre-Program Worksheet, review the Program Principles and Guidelines, and sign your Rules of Engagement.

By doing these actions you will cement your commitment to this transformational health and weight loss journey.

The program starts with a four day toxic food weaning and preparation phase. During this time you will set your intentions, plan your goals, and review your program guidelines.

You will also do the shopping and meal planning for week 1 of the weight loss diet, and receive handy guides for you to keep and refer to throughout the program and beyond.

At the end of the 28 days you will feel leaner, vibrant and sexy again with that incredible MOJO GLOW :-)!

Your decision to join me has already set you on the path to success.
— Mummy Mojo


It is now time to get clear on what you want, and set your intention and the goals you want to achieve out of doing the program. My video tutorials and worksheets will support you in uncovering roadblocks and in understanding what it is you truly desire. These are powerful and important steps to success and sustainable change.

Setting Your Intention

Setting the Intention for your New Summer Body

Consciously choosing your intention is the most powerful way to begin any program.

By becoming clear about what you desire and setting an intention / vision, you are planting a seed in the fertile garden of pure potentiality.

I recommend that you write down what you truly want out of this program. You can use this exercise to set your intention and more fully realise what your ultimate goals consist of (take a few slow, long breaths before starting this exercise and it will help you connect to your intuition and deeper purpose):

  1. Choose the vision you want to manifest. Write it at the top of a sheet of paper. Eg: My ideal body weight. To feel confident, vibrant and sexy again, like I did before kids.

  2. List all the things that your vision must have. Be specific. Eg: I will lose 6kg in weight. I will commit to making the 28-Day (weight loss) recipes on a daily basis. I will be more toned with healthy and glowing skin.

  3. List all the things that your vision must not have. Eg: Weight gain. To give up early on and feel like a failure. To be consuming alcohol/coffee/sugar.

This is what your journey is all about.

Identifying the road blocks, the beliefs holding you back, the misalignment, the areas of stickiness. And then gently, potently easing through it all to the other side.

There's nothing more powerful than shifting your mindset to acknowledge that you deserve to feel good in your own body. You deserve to have energy. You deserve to achieve your body goals.

This is where your dreams coming true is possible! This is where you can achieve sustainable, long-lasting results.

Don't be afraid of failure, believe in yourself like I believe in you!

Watch my 4 minute Setting Your Intention video tutorial above, and download the Creating your Intention worksheet below. This 7-10 minute practice could make a big difference to your end results.

Goal Planning

It's important that you set S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) goals.

When you think about it you will get that sinking feeling, one that you've felt many times before. Sometimes you can feel it as a physical sensation in your heart or stomach.

You know you are stuck in a destructive cycle with it and and you're MORE than ready to kick it to the curb and move on.

Whether it's too much wine, a lack of sleep, an addiction to carbs or sugar, or not exercising, you have made a commitment to changing it just by joining my program.

Think about 1-3 goals that could help change this negative habit. When writing down your goal/s, express it something like this, e.g; "I will lose 5kgs by the end of the 28-Day Program by following the recipes and diet guidelines and exercising at least 4 times a week."

People who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them than those who don't. Telling a friend or an accountability buddy increases this rate to a whopping 78%!

Write your goal/s down in your Pre-Program Worksheet, or put them on post-it-notes for the fridge and mirrors. And don’t forget, if you share them with our lovely group the chance of you achieving it goes up considerably!

Did you know that you can use a simple technique called tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) to help you achieve your goals? This is one of my favourite things to use tapping for. By focusing on the stress, tension and any limiting beliefs while tapping, you release the emotional triggers and subconscious blocks while simultaneously calming the nervous system.

This brings you into your 'super conscious' space where you become more clear about your goals and about how you can achieve them.

In this video tutorial (CLICK VIDEO LINK ABOVE) I gently guide you through a supportive tapping sequence to help you let go of negative emotions and thoughts, uncover your goals for this program, and release what's blocking you. To support you with the tapping sequence download and print out my simple how-to-guide.

Whatever your goals, this is the perfect time to get clear on what it is you want to achieve.

Take a moment to think about the #1 diet or lifestyle habit that isn't currently serving you.