Module 3.0: Week 2 Wrap Up & Additional Support


  1. Look over the steps from the Week 2 Wrap Up and choose one step to take on today.

  2. Watch the tongue scraping video.

  3. Read about the weight loss benefits of infrared saunas and book one in to deepen your detox results.

Week 2 Wrap Up

During the second week of the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan, you continued to eat my nutritious and delicious 28-Day Diet, while I shared my weight loss strategies for mindful eating, emotional eating, and intermittent fasting.

Just by paying attention to your emotional eating patterns, and practicing the exercise of mindful eating (chewing slowly while consciously noticing all of your senses), you may have prevented sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

To enhance further weight loss, I suggested trialling intermittent fasting, or doing a full cleanse day. By giving your digestive system a proper break, you will help your liver release stored fat-soluable toxins.

I gave you simple ways to open up the drainage and elimination pathways - both crucial on a weight loss/detox program, and shared simple steps for liver and lymphatic loving.

In this module there is a video tutorial about tongue scraping, which is one of the best ways to get rid of yucky toxic tongue coatings and bacteria.

Included is a 'booster step' guide for infrared saunas. By incorporating saunas into your life you may increase the elimination of toxins, enhance your weight loss, support blood flow and cardiovascular health, and boost your immune system.

As you head into the last week of the weight loss phase, why not try some of these simple, doable steps?

You will feel healthier, you will get closer to your weight goals, and your skin will start to exhibit a radiant mojo-esk glow!

It has been shown that you can burn up to 600 calories in just one 30 minute infrared sauna session, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
— Amy, Mummy Mojo

MODULE 3.0: Week 2 Wrap Up & Additional Support

Week 2 Wrap-Up

Tongue Scraping, Ayurvedic Self-Care Ritual

Stuck out your tongue lately?

Using a tongue scraper first thing in the morning, will collect and remove the toxic tongue coatings and bacteria to stop them from being absorbed into the body.

Tongue cleaning is also a great remedy for bad breath, and will improve your taste buds. It can even help remove plaque build-up on the teeth.

Watch my video and download my feature to learn all about this simple and cheap detox practice that will greatly improve your overall health.

Why not quickly do it now and take a good look? Does it have a slightly white or light yellowish coating?

Thought so...

This coating is an accumulation of bacteria, food debris, toxins and dead cells. I know, yuck! Research shows that 50% of bacteria found in our mouths is found on the surface of our tongues, and our trusty toothbrushes are less than half as effective in removing the toxic debris!

Benefits of an Infrared Sauna

They’re relaxing, rejuvenating and can even feel a little indulgent... But did you know that they are also extremely good for your health?

Some of the many ways an infrared sauna can help you are:

  • Increased metabolism, weight loss and calorie burning

  • Detoxification of heavy metals and other toxins

  • Relaxation and stress reduction

  • Soothes sore muscles and joint relief

  • Helps repair tissue damage from injury

  • Immune system support

  • Improved skin conditions and anti-aging

  • Supports cardiovascular health

  • Reduction in the appearance of cellulite

  • Kills bad bacteria and parasites.

Read my 8 reasons to have an infrared sauna for optimum health and vitality.

I’m a big believer in engaging in 'good-for-you' activities, and infrared saunas are extremely high on my 'good-for-you' to do list!

I have tried everything and anything in my pursuit to be optimally healthy, and I find them to be my absolute favourite detox and healing therapy.

So much so, that I have an infrared sauna in my clinic 4-5 times a week - I honestly can't get enough of them!!

The infrared light and radiant heat penetrates the skin much more deeply than traditional saunas, better aiding in a number of restorative body processes.

This deep, cellular sweating is key to detoxifying and energising your body, as well as boosting weight loss. And did I mention…it’s a wonderful way to relax too?

You can book an Infra Red Sauna in my North Manly Clinic from just $28 (as a participant you receive a discount on this treatment, PM me for details).
— Amy, Mummy Mojo