Module 1: Pre-Planning & Guidelines
Read the program Guidelines and Rules of Engagement.
Fill in the Pre-Program Worksheet.
Join my Private Support Group and introduce yourself.
I am SO excited you have joined my 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan! Welcome!
When I first began my journey of recovery back to optimum wellness in 2012, I had no idea that detoxing would be the single most-important thing I could do for my health, energy levels, overall wellness, and mojo.
Today, I am hugely passionate about sharing the benefits of detoxing for health and weight loss. I want all mums/women to live healthy and happy lives, and I believe that each and everyone of you deserve this.
If you fall back into old patterns I’ll be there to encourage and inspire you to keep going.
I will help you get out of your own way and move forward to success — whatever that looks like for you, and whatever it takes from me!
I want you to feel amazing and if you commit to my program you will find your energy has been renewed, you can focus better, and you’re starting to sleep more restfully. And, you’ll have lost weight too!
But before you begin your transformational 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan, set yourself up for success by following the steps and links below.
Every link is important as they contain some incredible resources to deepen your detox experience with Mummy Mojo.
“During my 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan you will have my undivided support, love, advice, and guidance. ”

Rules of Engagement
What you agree to commit to:
I will commit to doing the daily actions steps on the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan, to improve my overall health and achieve an ideal weight.
I will make the positive changes this program requires for the 28 days.
I will make healthy food choices and limit temptation at home (e.g. cleaning out the pantry of all chips, cookies, soda, lollies, cakes).
I will eliminate sugar and refined carbohydrates.
I will limit coffee and alcohol.
I will consider supplements to support my overall health and weigh loss goals.
I will reduce the toxins in my home by making the switch across to clean and organic household and personal care products.
I will exercise for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week, or an hour 3 times a week. This is a priority, not to be cancelled for the needs of anyone else.
I will start to visualise myself as a healthy, happy, and energetic person every morning before I get out of bed.
I will drink 8-10 glasses of filtered pure water per day.
I will get at least 7 – 8 hours sleep a night.
I will spend 5-10 minutes every day in meditation or at least just sitting quietly and still and focusing on my breathing.
What you get from me:
Pre-program guidelines and goal planning to lay the groundwork for success.
Clear information on why and how you’ll be detoxing your bodies and your life by following my program.
My educational instruction, guidance, encouragement, and positive energy while you lose weight and get back to your vibrant, sexy self with your mojo in full flow.
Activities, affirmations, worksheets, text messages, and video lessons to support your cleanse journey.
Health coaching in a private forum, along with online support, advice, tips, recipes, program content, and videos.
Lots of tips and tricks to help you throughout this journey to find your cleansed body, mind, spirit and life.
Expert advice on how to nourish yourself with healthy foods, along with shopping lists and weekly meal plans with delicious, nutritious and easy recipes.

Lifestyle Principles & Guidelines
While you are waiting for your food and detox supplement support to arrive, start reducing processed food, junk food, wheat, dairy, caffeine, soft drink and alcohol. Replace your caffeine with non-caffeinated drinks, alcohol with mocktails, and bread with a healthy GF alternative. After the program has finished, and you have achieved the desired weight loss, these processed foods/drinks can be gradually re-introduced.
Begin your day by kick-starting the detoxification process with a liver cleansing drink of warm filtered water and organic lemon juice. For an extra detox boost you can add ginger, apple cider vinegar, and turmeric powder.
Hunger is often confused with dehydration. Next time you feel like having a snack, have a glass of water. This helps you lose weight faster, and also keep it off longer, after all our bodies are around 70% water.
While on a detox it is not recommended to eat foods that are laden with chemicals and toxins. Wherever possible shop for organic produce. Buying organic means the food you eat is free from pesticides, synthetic fertilisers, sewage, ionising radiation and genetic modification.
By eating or drinking a healthy breakfast you give your metabolism a jumpstart. Studies repeatedly show that daily breakfast consumption is associated with maintaining a healthy weight
Aim for 400-600 calories per main meal and where possible choose a meal from the weekly menu and ensure at least one main meal a day is a smoothie or salad for ease of digestion. As long as you are following the diet guidelines by eating clean, organic whole foods in sensible portions you won’t go far wrong.
Limit, or if possible avoid all foods that have sugar in them; lollies, fruit juices, chocolate, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, bottled sauces, etc. Sugar is one of the most toxic, addictive substances, with no nutritional value. It has been linked to weight gain and will only hinder your weight loss efforts.
Meat contains a high level of saturated fat and is devoid of fibre and other nutrients needed for phase 1 of detoxification. For at least the first week, limit white meat intake and avoid red meat to give your digestive system a well-deserved break. This will lower inflammation and support the detoxification process, allowing the digestive system, liver and kidneys to do their job.
Our blood sugar is the master controller that dictates our hunger, our cravings, and our energy. You will feel your best when your blood sugar is balanced. When disrupted, your blood sugar can lead to increased sugar cravings, irritability, poor sleep, brain fog, low energy and weight gain. When you eat a meal with a lot of sugar, or simple carbs, you end up giving your body more glucose than it actually needs at one given time. One of the best ways to balance your blood sugar levels is to minimise processed carbs and instead have a meal/snack with protein, whole food carbs, and healthy fats (e.g. a snack consisting of veggie + hummus + activated nuts).
If you wish to follow the weekly recipes it will serve you best to plan ahead. Take the provided shopping list with you and get everything you need for the meals you want to make. Spend 1-2 hours on the Sunday preparing snacks and meals for the week ahead, e.g. you can cut up some veggie sticks, boil eggs, make quinoa, roast veggies. It is best to store lunches in a chemical-free glass container, rather than a toxic/BPA plastic one. Always carry your healthy snacks with you so that you don’t get caught out when you’re hungry.
This is optional, and it can benefit some women by giving their body a complete break from digesting foods. You can do this daily by eating all your meals in an eight hour window and fasting for the other 16. Or you might want to reduce the amount you eat once or twice a week as per the 5:2 diet. Another method that is gaining more popularity is to have a cleanse day once or twice a month. On a cleanse day you can sip lemon water and dandelion tea, and eat small simple snacks (eg a handful of nuts or a slice of apple) every few hours to balance blood sugar levels. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and to take your detox support supplements to enhance the detoxification and elimination process.
Further reduce the toxins in your life by taking on some of my other recommended detox action steps, e.g. switch out your chemical-laden cleaning products for natural and organic alternatives, change your current moisturiser to a chemical-free, organic skincare product, don’t wear shoes in the house.
Exercise doesn’t have to just be at the gym, lifting weights and doing intense cardio. It can be a light walk, yoga, playing tennis or swimming. Exercise promotes waste removal, lowers stress, increases energy, increases metabolism and much more. Incorporate incremental exercise into your day as much as possible. Sitting sedentary for too long will put your metabolism to sleep!
Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, every night. Deep, restful sleep is required to release growth hormones, aid the overnight detoxification process, and release body fat. Also, when we are tired we want to eat more, and exhaustion can lead to hormonal imbalances. Rest is also essential for repair and recovery of muscles.
Practice daily meditation, deep breathing and/or gratitude exercises to detox the mind, de-stress, and to help relax your parasympathetic nervous system. If you incorporate these steps into a morning ritual, you are more likely to stick with it in the long-term.
If you are having a hard day and need support or have a question, connect with the private Mojo Detox Facebook Group - we are all here to support, inspire and motivate each other. Or you can share a photo of your breakfast shake, or how you're fitting back into a favourite dress, whatever connects you to the liked minded people doing this detox.
Online - Pre-28-Day Worksheet
I highly encourage you to fill in this Pre-Detox Worksheet before you commence your 28-Day journey.
Why? Because it will inspire you to stay on track with your new healthy habits, and give you an understanding of just how far you have come.
At the end of the program you can fill in the worksheet again to see how much your health (mind, body, and spirit) has improved.
Download - Goals & Measurements
Fill in the Goals and Measurements form before you commence your 28-Day journey. Be as specific as you can with your goals such as a target weight, dress size or health goal.
At the end of the program fill in the worksheet again and you will see the amazing progress you made against your set targets.
Download - 28-Day Journal
You can print out the Detox Journal and fill it in when you need extra support during the 28 days. You can note down any symptoms you may experience, whether they’re mental, emotional or physical so you can start to look for any patterns.
During your program I will support you and answer any questions you may have in the members only Mojo Cleanse Facebook page. I am committed to you getting the best possible results out of your weight loss program.

10 Pre-Detox tips to get you through the 28 Days
1. Drink between 2-4L of clean filtered water per day. 5-6L if you’re bigger.
2. Stick to the program (if you’re exercising more, eat more). The closer you stick to the program the quicker the detox symptoms will subside and the better you’ll feel.
3. Keep inflammatory substances like alcohol, sugar, and coffee to a minimum during your 28-day program while your body is trying to detox and reset. The more you stick to this the better you’ll feel and the more weight you will lose.
4. Weaning off foods like; coffee, sugar, alcohol, and refined carbs is not always easy. You can use these first few days to start reducing your consumption of toxic food and beverages. Most people find this easier to manage than going "cold turkey." I will be there to provide ongoing support, motivation, and encouragement to help you get there!
5. When detoxing, you really have to listen to your body. Everyone is so different. For example, people with hypoglycemia need to watch themselves. If you feel your blood sugar levels drop (you may experience a headache or irritability), eat 1/4 of an apple every 20 minutes until you feel better.
6. If you experience detox symptoms (headache, lethargy, which can be common when you first eliminate toxic foods and drinks), take a magnesium tablet, milk thistle tablet, detox herbal tea, or apply peppermint oil (diluted) to the area.
7. Be gentle with yourself in the first stage of your program. If you need to have a week off exercise until your body adapts, DO IT!
8. Encourage a positive mindset. Your mind has HUGE control over your body so if you are thinking negative thoughts, you are going to take away from this beautiful, amazing and extremely rewarding and life changing process. You are building a strong and resilient body. You are choosing health. It’s as simple as that. Keep on the program and let the nutrition and support products do their job.
9. Your mind and body are intricately linked, so no detox is complete without clearing your mind of everyday stresses or strains. Start meditating using some of the recommended apps and relax as often as you can - you deserve it!
10. Stay in touch with your coach via the members only Mojo Cleanse Facebook Group for support and guidance! Also check in this group for handouts and content to support your process and enhance your results. Over the 28 days you will receive regular text messages to support and motivate you along your weight loss journey.