Module 4.1: Maintenance Program


  1. Download and read the Maintenance Diet & Supplements Guide.

  2. Download the Maintenance Recipes, and prioritise buying organic food where you can.

  3. Print your blank Meal Planner, fill in the recipes for the week, and put it on your fridge.

Go for your Goals to get your Mojo Back!

Whilst it is amazing being a mum and I wouldn't change it for anything, it is a 24/7 job. The constant juggling act and never-ending to-do list can be overwhelming.

Along my journey I have learned that taking time for myself is not selfish, it’s absolutely necessary.

And it's necessary for you too, which ever stage of life you're at.

It doesn’t matter how much time or willpower you think you lack — I've seen transformations happen in less than a week with the right mindset.

It's NEVER too late to pick up a new, positive habit, to help you get back on track.

Just one step that nourishes you and gets the momentum flowing in line with your MOJO.

This is all it takes.

In case you're still stuck, here are a few ways to tackle this and fast-track your results:

  • Write down in your journal what dress size you want to be, how fit you would like to be, to keep you focused on the end result.

  • Embrace the small wins, this will make it feel less overwhelming.

  • Reduce your goal to something more achievable, e.g. instead of making the recipes for every meal, break it down to a few recipes for the week, in sizeable chunks that is doable.

  • Remind yourself of why you chose to do this in the first place. Remember that it’s a gift, and let this inspire you to take action.

  • Choose a few maintenance (or weight loss) recipes to cook this week, and share photos of your meals with the group.

  • Review the content - membership portal, videos and text messages, and take on an action step that motivates you.

  • We all judge ourselves. Notice when you're making judgements and choose to act and think differently.

Appreciate and accept who you are, and let go of the “monkey mind” that tells you; “you’re not good enough!” To enhance your program results, appreciate your strengths, your body, and your mind.
— Amy, Mummy Mojo

Maintenance Diet & Supplements Guide

Sometimes when you get to the end of a health program or diet, it can feel a bit like "Great, what now?"

I've also included a guide to the basic support supplements I recommend you continue with after the program has ended.

If you follow these maintenance guidelines as a blueprint for healthy living, you will be giving your body all the nutrients it needs to thrive, and will be able to manage your weight for the long term.

Without some guidance it can be very easy to slip back into old ways and undo all your good work.

That's why I put together my Maintenance Diet Guide. It should help you stick with your new healthy habits, and keep your health and weight loss goals on track after the program has ended.

Maintenance Recipes

PRINTABLE - Maintenance Recipes

During these final days I will reintroduce a little more simple grains, dairy, and animal protein into the diet. I do this so that you can wean slowly back on to the foods that you eliminated out of your diet during my program.

If you are happily enjoying this low calorie, plant-based diet, I encourage you to keep going with it. The longer you can eliminate inflammatory, toxic foods like sugar, dairy, and meat, the better your detox and weight loss results will be.

As you slowly reintroduce these foods, take notice and be present to any reactions your body has to eating these foods.

You can ask yourself;

  • "What happens to me when I eat grains, consume dairy, or eat more meat?"

  • "Would I be better off eating a predominately plant-based diet?"

  • "To keep inflammation low should I limit my dairy intake?"

Be aware of the effects that these type of foods have on you.

And remember, if you have a busy week ahead and can't make all of the recipes, refer to my diet guidelines and eat foods that are recommended on the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan. As long as you continue to follow these you will continue to shed the kilos.

Meal Planner Template

One habit I strongly recommend you stick with after the program has ended is meal planning.

A meal plan will ensure there are no last minute dashes to the fast food outlet or use of frozen meals. Because you spent time organising it earlier you will have all the ingredients and everything you need to make you and your family a healthy meal.

Meal planning also reduces decision fatigue. When you meal plan it means you’re making your food decisions in advance, when your mental energy is high, so that when you’re in the midst of a busy week, the decision of what to eat has already been made!

With all these benefits of meal planning, you'd be crazy not to! And to make it even easier for you, I have created a meal planner template to print off as many times as you like, so you can create your own meal plans for this week, next week and beyond!

With the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan Recipes and Maintenance Diet Guidelines at your fingertips, you can move forward with the confidence that you know what sort of food and meals you should be eating for your continued health and weight management.

Meal planning gives you control over your eating habits and is one of the most effective tools at your disposal to improve your eating habits, health and weight management in the long term. You know what you are eating, when you are eating it and all the ingredients are there waiting for you when you need them.

With a meal plan written up for the week ahead and stuck on your fridge, you’ll know exactly what is organised for every meal so you don’t have to stress about what you will cook and have to find something last minute.