Module 3.1: Detoxing Your Skin
Watch my video about pure, natural skincare products and make one switch this week.
Have an Epsom salt bath or foot bath this week and watch my video, and read my tips for inspiration.
Read the ingredients list in three of your skincare products, and research one key ingredient.
It's time to look (and feel) healthier & hydrated with a gorgeous detoxed-glow!
Did you know that as much as 60% of what you put onto your skin is absorbed directly into your bloodstream?
It soaks up everything we put on it!
When you think of it this way, why wouldn’t you take special care of this organ just like you do your heart or your brain?
But, unfortunately, most of us don't...
This is a little frightening.., especially considering that the average woman places 160 chemicals on her skin - and that's each and every day!!!!
For years we have been slathering our skin with topical creams that are filled with chemicals that we probably can’t even pronounce.
Over time, the chemicals in commercially produced skincare products start to cause inflammation. This inflammation ignites stress in the body, and this vicious cycle leads to a slowed metabolism and a host of other health problems.
They also contain toxic metals like lead and aluminum, which accumulate easily in the body. Aluminum is the main ingredient of deodorants used by women across the world. Numerous studies have shown a link to the development of disease, including cases of cancerous breasts being full of aluminum.
I appreciate that this all sounds a little dramatic. But hand on heart, it’s unfortunately true.
You’ve heard it a lot: beauty is more than skin deep. This is why it is SO important to know what you are putting ON your body as well as in it.
After all, what good is spending so much money and effort on pure food and detoxification if you’re continuing to add poisonous chemicals to your skin?
If you detox your skin the cells will receive the nutrients they need to manage waste, utilise oxygen and nutrients, and replicate healthy cells.
Your skin will have more tone and elasticity and exhibit a radiant glow much younger than your years!
In this module I have suggested some simple changes you can make to improve the glow and vitality of your skin – from the inside out!
Watch the videos, read my tips and tricks, and start making the switch to chemical-free and organic skincare.
“Don’t feel guilty if you aren’t taking all the right steps all of the time. Any steps you take to improve your diet and reduce toxin intake will make a positive impact, and are therefore good steps (and kudos to you for doing so 👏 )”

MODULE 3.1: Detoxing Your Skin

Making the Switch to Organic Skin Care
The old adage, “we are what we eat” is more true today than ever. It’s a fact: what we eat and how we feel shows up on our skin.
My favourite resource for evaluating brand toxicity, is the Environmental Working Group (EWG).
You can search nearly every brand available and the site will rate the healthfulness of the products.
Even “natural organic” brands may come with unwanted ingredients compared to homemade varieties, and the EWG can help you feel secure in your brand choices.
Once you have stocked your makeup bag and bathroom with safe, organic products, you will notice an improvement in your overall health, and in turn improve the way you look (and feel) in the long term.
How cool is that?!
In my video tutorial, check out my top tips for natural and organic personal care products brands that will give you that "detoxed glow"!
So ask yourself. Does your skin glow with youthful vitality and the look of health—or is it dull, flaky, oily or dry?
If you answered the latter, it’s time to turn things around by making the switch to organic skincare.
And if that’s not enough of a deterrent, consider the role they are known to play in fertility issues, cancer, and organ toxicity.
The truth is that the majority of our skincare products, ranging from body lotions, cleansers, toners, moisturisers, and serums, contain harmful chemicals.
If you make the switch, at least with some of your most used products, you will provide your skin—your body’s first defense against toxins and disease — with a pure, natural and healthy alternative.
But how can you tell if a product is actually healthy and free from toxins?
Surprising Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths
Epsom salt baths with doTERRA essential oils have been a part of my self-care routine for many years now, and is one of my favourite detox practices.
While you're detoxing aim for between 2-3 Epsom salt baths (or foot baths if you don’t have a bath) a week, preferably before bed.
I highly recommend dialling up your experience with an aromatic bath.
Soaking in a warm bath with stress-relieving, mind-soothing, muscle-relaxing essential oils not only delivers the oils to the body but assists the body in releasing toxins as well.
Watch my video and download my Epsom Salt Bath and doTERRA essential oil recipes, so that you too can incorporate it into your self-care ritual.
Epsom salt baths are a nourishing and relaxing way to detoxify your body, and your mind.
It is a top pick of mine after a busy day as it can help ease a sore body and relieve overwhelm and insomnia.
Epsom salts are made up of the mineral Magnesium Sulphate. Magnesium is used by the body for nervous system support, energy production, bone strengthening, blood sugar regulation, cardiovascular health, and muscle control, among many others.
Soaking in magnesium-rich Epsom salts and warm water can alleviate stress, ease muscle pain, and assist detoxification.

The Healing Power of Manuka Oil
My friends at Manuka Biotic are offering 15% discount off their incredible organic Manuka Oil range.
You will KNOW it, from just opening one of their products and taking a whiff. It smells like the fresh manuka trees in the incredible Coromandel mountains of New Zealand.
All you need to do to get your 15% discount, is to use the code MOJO15 when purchasing online. It's as simple and easy as that!
Here's a few of their products that I use daily:
Naturally Nourishing Hand Cream containing Shea Butter, Vitamin E, Cucumber extract and Manuka Oil, absorbs so well and plumps out my skin.
Naturally Purifying Face Cleanser utilises Manuka Oil & Witch Hazel extract, together with anti-aging green tea extract to draw out impurities in the skin. My face looks fresh, glowing and as clean as a whistle!
Natural Body Lotion with Manuka Oil, Rosehip oil, Jojoba oil, Vitamin E, and Shea Butter. This nourishing repair cream creates an effective barrier and reduces inflammation, and is also amazing for eczema. It helped eliminate it on our daughter's elbows/knees significantly (along with a good diet and probiotics).
I spent years using cosmetic and personal care products filled full of garbage, with some of them pretending to be “natural” and “healthy”.
Then I got sick and it was time to get real.
It was time to start looking after my health, and that of my skin.
I started using the Manuka Biotic product range because they were 100% natural, contained therapeutic doses of manuka oil and kanuka oil, natural oils and ingredients, and NOTHING ELSE!
They were better for the environment too, with this caring company using sustainable farming methods.
A natural product being what they say they are is extremely important to me. Skincare manufacturers are incentivised to make products that last years in the supply chain. (Hello, chemical preservatives!).
What I love about Manuka Biotic is their integrity and their total commitment to quality.
They are ethically sourced, carefully formulated to be suitable for people who have sensitive skin, and do not include any sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, petrochemicals, phthalates, or other garbage ingredients. No hidden nasties. No animal testing.