Module 3.3: Weekend Recipes & Metabolism Booster
Download the Weekend Recipes and make one of your choice.
Read my advice to balance your metabolism and boost your weight loss efforts.
Watch the Veggie Soup video and print out the recipe card.
A huge part of losing weight is believing you can do it, and then not giving up.
As we head into our final week on the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan, why not take a few minutes to think about where you are on this journey...
Have you committed?
Have you given up?
Is there something holding you back from you living your best, healthiest life?
If stress or negative thinking is preventing you from achieving optimum health and happiness remember this:
Be kind to yourself, you are doing your best.
If you really want to be healthier and lose weight, don't give up. It is never too late to start over. Even if it is the very last day of the program. Even if it is a month after the program has ended.
I want you to feel empowered to live a detoxed life that transforms you in every way.
I want you to find the confidence and self-belief that you deserve the body of your dreams.
It's never too late to get your MOJO back!
Please share share any questions you have about the 28-Day Diet or my other weight loss strategies in our private group - don't forget it's a safe space and that I'm there to fully support you in achieving results!
This weekend I encourage you to move kindly with yourself by carving out some quality alone time. Take a few extra minutes to watch the sunrise or sunset, have a massage, or take a luxurious bath.
These experiences will not only help you reconnect to your essential being, but they will also help you feel energised so that you want to really commit to the last 6 days of the program.
To keep you motivated, in this module you have weight loss recipes for the weekend to help you complete your final days on the 28-Day Diet with a bang. I am also sharing my tricks & tips to boost and balance your metabolism along with video on making a healthy veggie soup.
“You get what you work for, not what you wish for. By committing to the program, and believing in yourself, you will be rewarded.”

MODULE 3.3: Weekend Recipes & Metabolism Booster

Burn, Baby Burn
Why is it that one person can eat whatever they want whenever they want, yet another seems to put on a couple of kilos just LOOKING at a doughnut?
So ANY type of movement - walking across the room, typing on a keyboard, etc, increases your daily energy expenditure.
That's why exercise and intermittent movement is important to your overall weight, however there are other vital factors too.
By repeatedly eating sugar, our body uses up our nutrient stores. Instead, to support a balanced metabolism eat healthy whole foods on a consistent, daily basis. The more plant-based fibre, the better!
Good quality protein in every meal is key, as is how you chew your food, digest it, and the types of nutrients you absorb too.
It’s also crucial to keep your stress levels at bay, a toxic mind = a toxic body = weight gain.
As a part of this, getting the appropriate amount of shut-eye, between 6-8 hours, will ensure you get enough of the restorative delta sleep. Avoid blue light exposure at night, turn off the WiFi and electronics, and darken your room.
For more tips and tricks, read my article on how to balance your metabolism and boost your weight loss efforts.
The answer can be summed up in one word: Metabolism.
ALL your body's processes and functions, including digestion, circulation, breathing, and thinking are the result of your metabolism. Your metabolism uses up energy, and creates and releases energy too.
Most people think of energy in terms of what they need for exercise, working, taking care of their kids, but your body uses energy even when you're doing nothing.
The primary measure of basic bodily energy needs - what you need just to carry out bodily functions while you are not moving - is your basal metabolic rate, or BMR.
It's expressed in terms of calories per hour and it's determined as follows:
Women: Our BMR is calculated by multiplying our weight in kilograms by 0.9, eg. if you are 59 kg you times 59 X 0.9 = 53, you burn about 53 calories an hour being alive.
Men: The hourly BMR is their weight in kilograms, eg. if you are 89 kg you burn about 89 calories an hour being alive.
As you can probably surmise, any excess energy that you consume over your daily needs that is not burned up in other activities becomes and stays a part of YOU. (And you get larger as a result).

Weekend Recipes
PRINTABLE - Weekend Recipe Book
There is significant evidence to show that a whole-food, plant-based diet, like in the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan, is very beneficial for your health and for your waist line. The nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and phytonutrients all support easy weight management and disease prevention, along with a lighter environmental footprint.
I appreciate that you may have social engagements over the weekend, and that you may be out and about. The low calorie recipes and snacks in this download can be switched out for any of your Week 3 Recipes, to make whenever you are at home. These recipes are not only packed full of flavour, they are superstars at helping to flush out toxins, and support weight loss too!
There isn’t a shopping list for these recipes, so you may need to add some extra ingredients to your shopping list. For those of you missing animal protein, I have included my Moroccan Beef Salad, and there are a selection of smoothies, salads, and other meals that prove that eating healthy can be easy and also taste good.
Health Benefits of Veggie Soup
Veggie soups are rich in nutrients, low in calories, tasty, and fill you up. What’s not to love?
Some of the many benefits of veggie soups include:
Packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre, phytonutrients and antioxidants.
Super-hydrating, immunity boosting, and helps lower inflammation.
Studies have found that soup can make you feel fuller for longer, and research has shown that regular soup eaters have healthier body mass indexes (BMI).
One of the easiest, most stress-free things to cook.
Tastes better the next day, especially if it contains spices.
Watch my video tutorial and download the recipe card for my hubby Brad’s low calorie, wholesome veggie soup. This vegan detox meal is a hearty and filling way to squeeze more anti-inflammatory, nutrient-rich goodness into your body!
Soup is my go-to food when I’m on a detox, or when the temperatures plummet - it's an Autumn/winter must-have!
There's nothing like a nourishing bowl of soup to warm you up and make you feel all fuzzy inside, but on a detox they do much more than that. Because you are pureeing or blending some of the healthiest ingredients possible, it makes it very easy to digest and your body can absorb and utilise all the ingredients more easily.
With soups there are hundreds of different flavour combos, you can throw everything but the kitchen sink into them, and you can get your entire days worth of vegetables into one bowl!
A mega dose of vitamins and minerals without having to swallow a pill!
“Be it for lunch, dinner or as a starter, I recommend vegetable soups for their filling and satisfying nature, but also for their immense health benefits for reducing weight and enhancing overall health.”