Module 2.3: Week 3 Recipes & Shopping


  1. Watch my video and add an extra superfood to one of the smoothie recipes.

  2. Go to a farmer's market or local store to buy your fresh produce for the week ahead.

  3. Choose 5 or more recipes to make next week, and share the end result, cooking or meal prepping with the group.

Celebrate your successes, no matter how small.

Sticking to my healthy weight loss plan may sometimes seem impossible.

But luckily, motivation is something you can work to increase. Research shows that people are more successful if their weight loss motivation comes from within. Why not go back and clearly define all the reasons you want to lose weight and write them down. This will help you stay committed and motivated to reach your weight loss goals.

Try to read through them daily (post-it-notes are good for this!) and use them as a reminder when tempted to stray from my diet and other detox steps.

Another tip is to make sure you have set realistic weight loss expectations as this will boost feelings of achievement and prevent burn out. Just a moderate amount of weight loss of 10% can have a major impact on your health.

Losing weight is hard, so celebrate all your successes to keep yourself motivated. Please give yourself some credit when you accomplish a goal, and sharing it with the group will inspire to keep going and achieve even more!

Remember to celebrate behavior changes and not just reaching a certain number on the scale.

For example, if you met your goal of exercising four days a week, take a bubble bath or plan a fun night with friends at the end of the program.

In this module, you have your Week 3 Recipes, Shopping List, and Meal Planner, which I encourage you to put up on your fridge and highlight the meals you will commit to making.

You can also try adding extra superfoods to your smoothies to support weight loss, and feel great, and you can watch my video tutorial for inspiration.

Having strong social support will help hold you accountable and keep you motivated to lose weight. If you haven’t already, consider joining my private support group to help boost your motivation along the way.
— Amy, Mummy Mojo

Superfood Smoothies Made Easy

Healthy breakfast smoothies are a great way to fuel up for the day…

  • Hemp seeds - these powerhouse superfoods will give your smoothie a protein kick that will help satiate you. They also provide healthy goodness for your heart, brain, and gut.

  • Cinnamon - one of my favourite spices, but not just because it tastes so good! It is known to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-cancer properties, to support optimum health.

To kick off your week 2 recipes on Monday, you can try my healthy Superfood Smoothie. With ingredients like potassium-rich banana, antioxidant-rich berries, fibre-filled spinach, digestive-cleansing flaxseeds/psyllium husks, and muscle-building protein protein powder, this smoothie will give you energy to last throughout the day.

As a busy working mom with a demanding schedule, I am always looking for ways to be more efficient. If you are busy on Monday mornings like me, I suggest make-ahead freezer bags, which are the perfect solution for a healthy breakfast you can enjoy on-the-go. You can pre-freeze any liquids like coconut milk using ice cube trays, and batch prepare freezer-safe smoothie packs to grab-n-blend during the week.

You then simply dump it into the blender, add the liquid base & a superfood ingredient or two, and blend away! You will be saving time without sacrificing you health or sanity.

Watch my video tutorial above, where I show you how to make my Blissful Breakfast Smoothie which contains the perfect balance of protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

…Especially if they are loaded with healthy fats, fibre, nutrients, and protein!

You’re just over half way and you can continue to make the smoothie recipes and perhaps swap the baby spinach for kale, or pineapple for mango. Or, you can give your blended drink a serious nutrition boost by adding extra superfoods.

Superfoods can help take a balanced diet to the next level because they optimise your body’s ability to function by supplying a mega-dose of nutrients. They can help you achieve better health by reducing the risk for many chronic diseases and improving the way you look and feel.

Here are some of my favourites with science-backed benefits:

  • Chia seeds - rich in calcium and magnesium, these small-but-mighty seeds pack protein, fibre, and omega-3s, so they’ll fill you up fast and keep you satisfied for hours.

  • Acai - this berry superfood has an excellent nutrient profile full of good fats, antioxidants, fibre, and protein. It has been shown to improve cognitive function, whilst being an effective weight loss aid.

  • Collagen - you may already know that this superfood promotes supple, young skin, but did you know that it also lines your intestinal tract for good digestive health.

  • Maca - This cream-colored powder will help to balance hormones, boost energy and sex drive, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, and help with focus.

Week 3 - Shopping List & Recipes

PRINTABLE - Week 3 Shopping List

To help you stay on the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan I have provided you with a Week 3 Shopping List. Print it out, mark off the foods you already have, and take the list with you when you shop to fill your pantry and fridge with detox friendly food and drinks. Make sure you schedule some time over the weekend to shop and plan your meals for the week.

You could meal-prep by pre-chopping veggies and assembling a few lunch boxes and juice/smoothie bowls. By committing to this you will help ease the stress that comes with a busy life - work, family, activities. This will help you stay on course with the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan. It will give you more control over what you eat and how much you eat providing greater weight loss and health benefits.

PRINTABLE - Week 3 Recipe Book

All the detoxifying meals, snacks, and drinks you need for the third week of the weight loss phase of the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan are included in this link. At the end of the program you will receive a 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan Recipe Book for you to continue cooking nutritious, clean meals for you (and for your family), whenever, and for however long you want.

The recipes are ideal for those who want to lose a good amount of weight, like to follow guidelines, and enjoy not having to think about what to cook. However, if you like things more flexible you can do that too. Use the recipes and diet rules as a guideline of what you should eat and adjust accordingly to your schedules and tastes.

Week 3 Meal Planner

More protein, including some animal meat, is included at this stage as it is important for the construction of enzymes and other molecules integral to the detoxification pathways. Once again, if you don’t have time to make all the recipes, that's okay. We're all busy in this modern world. Make a big simple salad, boil some eggs, and cut some veggies to have throughout the week. Just remember to refer to the guidelines and eat foods that are allowed on the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan.

You are entering the 3rd and final week of the weight loss phase of the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan. The healthy weight loss recipes you need to complete your third week are included in this link. This week's breakfast recipes include some smoothies as well as some protein-rich meals to help promote satiety – keeping you feeling fuller for longer, helping to ward off cravings.