Module 1.2: Shopping, Recipes & Weaning
Print out the shopping list and recipes, and take them with you shopping.
Find a shop/supplier that sells organic foods. Prioritise buying organic veggies and fruit from the latest dirty dozen list.
Take step/s to slowly wean off toxic foods and drinks (eg. alcohol, coffee, sugary snack).
Our world is a toxic place and your body has been exposed to things that it's not meant to be exposed to for a long time...
A healthy diet should not just be about the number of calories or the amount of fat, it should take a holistic approach. The 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan is about changing your habits, and the way you think about food.
The 28-Day Diet will help reduce inflammation and toxins in your body, and instead flood it with nutrients that gets your whole system activated and your metabolism firing.
It’s now time to do a shop and to start replacing your pantry and fridge with detox, weight-loss friendly food.
Before you do your shop, spend a little time going through the recipe book and planning your meals for the week ahead.
Don't feel like you have to make every recipe, especially if this is a new way of eating for you. You can pick 5-7 recipes that you like the look of and make extra quantities so you have some leftovers for lunches and busy nights and mornings.
In this module I have provided you with your Week 1 Shopping List and Recipes, along with a Guide to Smart Shopping, and a step-by-step guide to safely and effectively wean off toxic foods and drinks.
“It is not about counting calories, carbs or fats, it’s about choosing foods from a place of wanting to nourish your body and your cells on a deep level.”

Guide to Smart Shopping
There is a whole new world available to us if we step outside those aisles!
Choosing to shop at a Farmers Market or health food store could be a rewarding health choice. You will also be helping to create a better, more sustainable system for us all - and for the world.
If this is the first time you have purchased organic food click on the ‘Dirty Dozen’ and the ‘Clean Fifteen’. This is a guide of the 12 foods you should prioritise buying organic, and the 15 foods that have the least amount of chemical/toxic exposure.
Of course a diet high in vegetables and fruits outweighs the exposure to pesticides and fertilisers, but the EWG Guide can reduce your exposure and take your health to the next level.
With your pre-detox actions done, you can now get prepared for your new 28-Day Diet.
Below I have provided you with the 28-Day Summer Body Diet Rules, and your first week of Recipes and a Shopping List to make things super easy for you.
Tomorrow I will share tips and tricks for meal prepping and planning so that you can be well prepared for the week ahead.
In my Smart Shopping Guide I have included advice on where to purchase the foods in the shopping list, including alternatives too traditional supermarkets (farmers markets, online home delivery, etc).

Week 1 - Shopping List & Recipes
PRINTABLE - Week 1 Shopping List
This 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan Shopping List contains all the smoothies, meals, and snacks you need to complete your first week, along with staples for the next 28 days. I have marked the foods in 'blue' that are the most contaminated by toxins, chemicals, and pesticides. I recommend that you prioritise these foods as organic, and only buy conventional for the foods in 'pink' which are the least contaminated foods.
To make things super easy for you, each week I will provide you with a shopping list. Take the list with you shopping, prior to the Monday, to ensure your pantry and fridge are filled with detox friendly food and drinks.
PRINTABLE - Week 1 Recipe Book
All the weight-loss friendly juices, smoothies, salads, snacks, and meals you need for your first week of the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan are included in this link. The recipes have been designed to teach you how to cook detoxifying, nutritious meals from scratch using fresh, whole foods. They are ideal for those who want to lose a good amount of weight, like to follow guidelines, and enjoy not having to think about what to cook.
However, if you like things more flexible that's okay too. You can use the recipes and diet rules as a guideline of what you should eat and adjust accordingly to your schedules and tastes.
Weaning off Toxic Foods & Drinks
Habits become patterns. Patterns become habitual. Habitual patterns attach to desire and emotions.
I struggled with sugar addiction for years! I had never met a chocolate, ice cream or other sweet treat that I didn’t immediately want.
And I couldn’t stop at just one either!
I fell victim to my stress eating and sugar cravings, and I blamed it on lack of willpower. It was a pattern of behaviour that was stopping me from getting well.
I want you to know that you actually have WAY more power than you realise. This is just a pattern of behaviour, it isn't who you are. You are in control, not the behaviour.
The first step you can take, is to increase your consumption of whole foods. Just by adding in these nourishing, healthy food choices, you will naturally crowd out processed and sugar based foods.
It will also leave you feeling satisfied, energised and revitalised, instead of hungry, craving and tired.
Click the link below for my step-by-step method to wean off coffee. Have another addiction or food habit you want to break? This method will work the same.
In all aspects of life, gradual changes are more sustainable than big, sudden ones. The key is to wean off it slowly and find a good quality, natural substitute for it. Swap out one bad diet habit, for a healthier one. And so on....
Yes, you back it up with logic, however it's the emotions (feelings or thoughts) that drive your behaviour.
Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.
So, therefore weaning off foods that you may have been on for your entire life can be difficult.
In fact, I know first hand and appreciate that weaning off addictive foods and drinks like coffee, sugar, processed foods, alcohol and refined carbs is not easy.
For you it could be chocolate or sweets. Crunchy, salty snacks or carb-loaded pasta. You know what your guilty pleasure is…. and you can’t stop thinking about it! You can't stop doing this habitual pattern of behaviour.
You KNOW these sugary, carb-y indulgences will only sabotage your weight and health (not to mention, your sanity!). You also know that giving in will only make you want more. One bite is never enough… and before you know it, the entire container is gone.
You try to justify it to yourself. It's been a long day. You deserve it. You work so hard. You’ll make up for it tomorrow, you promise to yourself. But deep down you know it’ll be the same old cycle.
It’s OK. I don’t judge.