Day 2 of Your 3-Day Mojo Reboot

You are under way in your 3-Day Mojo Reboot, and hopefully you have done your shop and printed out your meal plan and put it on the fridge for motivation.

I encourage you to follow your meal plan as closely as you can. The juices, smoothies and simple meals in my Mojo Reboot, have been specifically designed to give your digestive system a break, to aid your body's natural detoxification system, and to flood your body with nutrients.

In my previous email you learned about the importance of drinking filtered water daily, and you were introduced to your morning metabolism boosting lemon water drink.

Today I am sharing with you the incredible benefits of green juicing and providing you with some tips on dealing with cravings.

Green Goddess Juice

A Green Juice is an easy and effective way to flood your body with lots of healthy goodness - vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes - and all in one magical hit!

Some of the many benefits of green juicing include:

  • Alkalising and reduces inflammation in the body

  • Loaded with enzymes, which are fantastic for your digestive system

  • High in fibre to support the detox process

  • High in vitamin A to help your skin look younger

  • Rich in chlorophyll, which helps purify the blood and detoxify the body

  • The B vitamins are a fantastic energy booster

  • Huge amounts of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system

  • Leaves you feeling clear, sharp and ready to take on your day!

How good is that?!

Getting into the habit of drinking a daily “Green Juice” is one of the absolute BEST things you can do for your health and weight loss goals. That's because green vegetables are the optimal food for regenerating, purifying, and healing your body!

To gain these benefits, watch my video tutorial on how to make this simple morning weight loss drink.

Here is the real deal: Food is our friend. Let that sink in for just a minute...


Our bodies are engineered to work with food as their fuel. Food is no more an enemy to our bodies than gas is an enemy to a car. When correctly consumed, food helps our body to function at maximum efficiency in its optimal state. That's why it's important to feed our bodies with the good stuff as much as possible.

Sometimes cravings can strike, and while it's OK to treat yourself from time to time, it's good to have some nutritious alternatives to hand. The trick to managing these cravings is to have strategies in place so that you don't feel deprived, which can often make it worse.

I appreciate that weaning off addictive foods like caffeine, sugar, processed foods, alcohol, and refined carbs is not always easy. Whether you're craving dairy, alcohol, or chocolate, here are some healthy suggestions that will nourish your body and kick those cravings to the curb!

Use my cravings worksheet to tell you what to have instead of what you are craving.

Dealing with Cravings

Let’s be honest, we can all find ourselves eating our feelings at one point or another.

I've been there, elbow deep into my second McDonalds burger and starting to feel the guilt and shame with a side serve of self sabotage. At the time it still tasted way better than having to deal with those anxious feelings and stressed-out thoughts.

Is this something you can relate to? I think most of us can, but while it might feel good in THAT moment, it unfortunately doesn't last.

It's quickly followed by a sinking feeling when you look down and see the bottom of the chip bag or ice-cream bucket, and you see that it's empty.

You may be in a food coma but you still know that you haven't addressed the actual sources of your feelings head on.

The most common emotional triggers for food can include; stress, depression, sadness, boredom, and a general need for comfort.

Reaching for a bag of biscuits, or a bowl of ice cream in order to comfort yourself can become a regular habit.

Over time this behaviour can become an emotional-eating pattern that prevents you from getting healthy and from having the body you desire. By recognising this you can start making different choices which support your (summer) body goals.

Read my six personal tips and tricks to help combat your emotional eating habits.

How to Overcome Emotional Eating