It's Time to Begin your 3-Day Mojo Reboot!

In your first email you received your Recipe Book, Shopping List and Meal Planner for your 3-Day Mojo Reboot, as well as some guidelines to set you up for success. On this 3-Day Mojo Reboot you will eat a nutritious plant-based diet that has been designed to help remove toxic build-up from your body, support weight loss, and replenish mineral deficiencies for a healthier, slimmer, and more vibrant you.

Plant-based diets have been shown to offer a host of benefits, including lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, and helping with weight maintenance; they’re even good for the environment. This diet includes some animal protein but mainly focuses on foods primarily from plants, including fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans. When you hit the shops, don't forget to buy organic where you can, especially for the food items on the Dirty Dozen list.

Today I'm sharing with you two simple tips to help support you on your 3-Day Mojo Reboot. They will boost your results and significantly improve your overall health and weight management if taken on as a daily habit.

You are now all set to begin your 3 Day Mojo Reboot - are you ready?

Start Your Day With a Warm Lemon Water

Lemons are soooooo good for you! They contain everything from vitamin C, B6, A, and E, folate, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid to minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.

This in-itself is enough of a reason to drink it daily, however there are plenty more benefits for you and your body.

Lemons contain pectin, a type of fibre that helps you feel full for longer. This along with polyphehol antioxidants have been found to aid weight loss.

Having a warm lemon water in the morning helps the liver produce bile, which helps keep food moving through your body and gastrointestinal tract smoothly.

The citric acid found in lemon water has also been shown to protect liver function and help preserve the liver’s natural ability to detoxify.

To learn about the many other benefits of drinking warm lemon water, watch my video tutorial on how to make this simple daily weight loss drink.

Water makes up 70% of our bodies!

We need to drink plenty of water to maintain optimum health, but most of the population is dehydrated.

Water is needed for the normal functioning of our cells. It transports nutrients into the cells, and it moves toxins, waste, and debris out of the cell.

Drinking water is one of the most important, and easiest changes that you can make for your health and wellbeing. You should aim to drink between 2 and 3 litres a day.

However, there is a BUT. And it's a BIG one. The water MUST be filtered!

Scientific studies show that tap water often contains contaminates such as chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, fluoride, bacteria, and chlorine, which can all be very detrimental to your health. These toxins in the water can also make it difficult to lose weight, presenting you with an additional challenge.

There are a number of different types of water filter systems on the market, some are better than others.

The Genzon Water filter is an amazing water system created in Japan by water scientists to emulate natural spring water, free from contaminants and full of essential minerals. It filters and removes toxins and contaminants including bacteria (including e-coli, giardia, cryptospiridium), chemicals (including 100% chlorine & 90% of fluoride), heavy metals, THM's, sediment & particles (down to 0.1.5 micron).

A balanced range of alkaline minerals is then added to the water via deep sea mined mineral stones and sanitised by silver stones, a natural anti-bacterial which prevents the formation of algae in the water.

I am excited to be able to share a fantastic offer with you from Genzon Water Filter, who are offering Mummy Mojo clients a 10% discount on their amazing water filter systems. Click HERE, choose your system, and use the discount code: MUMMYMOJO.

The Power of Water

Prep Your way to Success

Why should you start meal prepping?

On any given weeknight in my household, there is a flurry of activity. Lunchboxes are being unpacked, papers from teachers are being signed, guitar, tennis or dance practice is happening, the kids, especially my hungry teenage son, are asking when dinner's ready.

All the while, I am dodging and weaving between my family members, trying to get dinner on the table before my son has eaten all the snacks in the cupboard!

It's far from relaxing... Can anyone else relate?

Meal prepping saves you time and money, and by ensuring you have healthy meals to eat on a daily basis, it helps you stick to your Weight Loss Meal Plan.

Overcoming desicion fatigue

It helps with “decision fatigue” too. Many of you experience action-packed days like I do, and these series of decision-making sessions can leave you exhausted and delete your willpower. Decision fatigue can make you more likely to lounge on the couch and order takeout after work than hit the gym and cook a wholesome meal.

By deciding on all your meals in advance, meal prepping reduces decision fatigue and frees up some of your willpower, helping you stay on track with your diet and your other health-related goals.

I believe sustainable meal planning all comes down to effective meal prepping. I like to do my meal prep on a Sunday as it takes that level of stress from code red down to a more tolerable green.

The basic premise is: make the grocery list, shop for the week’s groceries (we go to the local farmer's market), and do some meal planning and preparing (put my meal planner up on the fridge and chop veggies, make a batch of quinoa, activate seeds and nuts).

Meal-prepping will help you stay on course with the healthy eating habits.

And while meal prepping does take some commitment, the time you spend up front prepping is less than what you'd collectively spend prepping meals before or after busy workdays.

But please don't fret if your Sundays are busy, and you find it a difficult day to do meal-prepping for the week. You can do it one evening during the week, or make bigger batches of the recipes you enjoy to go in the freezer, and to eat on a day that doesn’t allow time for cooking dinner or lunch.

I encourage you to try this healthy meal-prep challenge to receive all the benefits the weight loss program has to offer.

f you can schedule this in on Sunday before the week begins, and when you have a chunk of time, it will help ease the weeknight chaos