Step-by-Step Method to Wean off Coffee
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Step-by-Step Method to Wean off Coffee

In order to detox effectively and allow your liver to excrete toxins, you need to cut out caffeine. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant and a highly addictive toxin. As well as the obvious sources of coffee and tea, it is found in colas (including diet varieties), energy drinks and chocolate. You may also be surprised to find it in decaf coffee, some herbal teas like green tea, sodas such as Sunkist Orange and root beer, and even some over-the-counter medications.

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10 Reasons for Cutting out Coffee while Cleansing
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

10 Reasons for Cutting out Coffee while Cleansing

Coffee. Just the word makes me feel happy. In fact I am sure I was Italian in a past life. It’s an essential part of my day, it makes me who I am. In fact, it’s right up there with showering and brushing my teeth as a daily necessity. But more enjoyable! While many may laugh at my obsession, others will nod their head in agreement.

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