Mummy Mojo Detox and Fat-Burning Program


Get lean, lose fat, boost energy, clear the brain fog and improve your health with our Mummy Mojo Detox and Fat-Burning Program!

We are Amy and Debbie, two friends who met through mothers' group. Since those early days of becoming new mums, we have embraced the joys of motherhood as we've watched our children grow from babies to toddlers to school kids. But whilst our kids have transformed and thrived into amazing little human beings, we couldn't say the same for ourselves.

Between us were experiencing the lows of motherhood - sluggish, overweight, stressed, burned out, lethargic and devalued. We had lost our mojo in a big way! Eventually something snapped us into action, a realisation that we were doing ourselves and our families a huge dis-service by not making our own health and happiness a priority.

We studied, researched and trialed health, wellness, spiritual and nutrition solutions. We started living a brand new way of life. One that made us feel valuable, alive, happy, healthy and full of sparkle. Life has never been better.

We felt like we had discovered a secret magic formula. But really, there was no secret. It came down to excellent nutrition, cleansing our bodies, movement, sleep, stress management and good old fresh air. It's not magic, but when you give your body everything it needs, magic happens!

The secret is making a decision to change. And then take action following a proven path to success.

The Mummy Mojo Lifestyle Program Is Your Proven Path To Success!

It is your path to confidence, health, energy, sparkle and joy. The bridge to a life where you can start dreaming again, embrace new opportunities, live life to the full, pursue your passions. It all starts with you, and a decision to make a change and then take action - today!


Are you ready to take action and make long-lasting change in your life?

Are you ready to break free from unhealthy habits and sugar cravings?

Are you ready to lose the bloat, tiredness and lack of energy?

Are you ready to clear the brain fog?

Are you ready to ditch exhausting yo-yo dieting - for good?

Are you ready to simultaneously burn fat AND build lean muscle?

Are you ready to lose the muffin top and fit back into your skinny jeans?

Are you ready to say goodbye to that last stubborn five kilos that just doesn't want to shift?

Are you ready to shift your body back into balance - both physically and emotionally?

Are you ready to feel healthy, hot and happy with your mojo in full flow?

We KNOW that it is possible for YOU to feel this way. Everything is better when your mojo is in full flow. This is you at your very best, full of vitality, confidence and sparkle, the very best version of you, LIVING LIFE OUT LOUD

What's In The Mummy Mojo Lifestyle Program?

The Mummy Mojo Lifestyle Program is your complete guide to eating well, removing harmful toxins from your body, getting better sleep, how to deal with and protect your body from the damages of stress, how to get moving and enjoy the benefits of daily exercise, and how to harness the power of nature for our health and wellbeing.

A key component of the program is the revolutionary Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing System. Having tried a gazillion diets and detoxes between us, we have found this to be superior on so manly levels, not least because of the science behind why Cleansing works with Isagenix.

Combining optimum nutrition with the health and fat-burning benefits of nutritionally-supported intermittent fasting, it is a program that offers fast, real and long-lasting results for weight loss and complete body health. It is also incredibly flexible, and is easy to incorporate into any lifestyle long after your first 30 Day Program has ended.

Whether you’re looking to get back to a pre-baby body, lose the stubborn kilos that have crept on over the years, feel healthier, get lean and toned or you just need the energy to keep up with your kids, this system of cleanse and replenish will provide you with a full body toxin clean-up and all the nutrition you need to feel your healthiest, happiest best.


There are two weight loss starter packs to choose from, or a pack can be specially created to your individual needs. The President's Pak provides a comprehensive, full-product experience at great value for money, and is ideal if you are a newcomer to the program who is looking for maximum weight loss and health.

We can advise you on the best one for you, or we can work with you to create an individually designed pack to meet your own specific lifestyle and needs.

We are committed to helping you achieve your goals. That's why we will give you access to our full Mummy Mojo Lifestyle Program, with every pack purchase. That's a value of $300, absolutely free! 

Incorporating the pillars of health and wellness, you'll be amazed at how your life can be transformed in just 30 Days.

You CAN get your energy back so that you can once again live an awesome life!

You CAN release toxins, lose weight quickly and feel absolutely fabulous!

You CAN look and feel younger, and be that hot, sexy mumma that you deserve to be!

You CAN sleep like a baby again!

You CAN have the energy you had pre-kids!

You CAN ooze mojo and pursue the passions, hobbies and dreams you have put on the back-burner for too long!

This is what you'll get:

Your 30-Day Nutritional Cleansing Pack - all you pay for is your own personal products

30-Day Program Guide - a comprehensive guide and diary showing you exactly how to use your nutritional cleansing system for maximum results

Private and Exclusive Facebook Group - a forum for coaching, support, information and motivation. It makes the experience more fun when are on a journey with like-minded individuals. It keeps you on track and is the perfect resource for a busy mum

Facebook Page and Website - regular features, recipes and articles to inspire, educate and motivate

Recipes - regular, easy-to-follow recipes packed with whole, natural, unprocessed food recipes that will improve your digestion, jump-start metabolism, kiss the muffin top goodbye, and keep you feeling like the awesome woman that you are all day long

Abundant Resources - handouts, bonus guides, Goals & Measurements chart, Manifesto of Commitment

Loving Email Support - just like it sounds, we'll be in your inbox to provide support and accountability for us mums who tend to forget about anything to do with our own self care. We will guide you through the program every step of the way (priceless)

Daily Text Messages - daily tips at your fingertips, so there are no excuses and it makes this journey as easy as 1-2-3

Health Coaching Assessment - a personal health and well-being coaching session to ensure you get the best results out of your program, with discount incentives for a longer term program

One-on-one Health Coaching is also available as an optional extra at a discount membership rate! Find out more…

You get all this, and all you pay for are your own personal nutritional cleansing products for the month. And with a 30-Day money back guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose!

If you have a couple of friends or family members that want to join you on your journey, you are not only more likely to achieve your goals, you can also get your products paid for.

Please message us to make an enquiry or to purchase your pack. We are looking forward to helping you achieve your goals and taking your mojo to another level.

Our next group program, the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan, kicks off on the 28th October 2020. If you, like me, want to clean out the blahs, shed the exhaustion, and purge yourself of the comforting foods you ingested over the colder months, then join me! If you miss it don’t worry, we run an automated detox program all year round with seasonal recipe books, shopping lists, and meal planners. There’s no excuse to hibernate over the winter anymore.


Why do we need to detox?


BUF Girl Cathy Morton on following your passion, getting out of a fitness rut, and adapting your exercise routine when you hit 40.